Please Explain the Purpose Of the Law!


I have a question for my Adventist friends: can you show me, a Gentile, what the Scriptures say the purpose is of the huge law-system called the Torah? After all, I am a Gentile “who has not the law” (Rom. 2:14). Please give me texts!

Let’s investigate rather than indoctrinate!

In case you are having trouble finding the texts which explain the commandments of God found in the Torah, I’ll give you some hints. The Ten Commandments are called the actual “words of the covenant” (Ex. 34:27–28; Deut. 4:13). They are the heart, the “abstract”, if you will, of the Mosaic covenant which God made with Israel. Moses records these Ten Commandments twice: the first time he records them in Exodus 20 when he first delivered them to the people who had just come out of Egypt. The second time he recorded them in Deuteronomy 5, nearly 40 years later, when he reiterated them to the wilderness generation—the descendants of those who left Egypt but who died in the desert because they failed to believe God’s promises. 

Importantly, the Ten Commandments do NOT begin with “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Rather, they begin with God’s self-identification to His nation Israel:

 And God spoke all these words:  “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery” (Exodus 20:1,2).

I suspect (looking back on my old covenant days) that you are not keeping the Ten Commandments nor the rest of the Torah’s commandments explaining how to keep the Ten as He specified. I know that, as an Adventist, I did not keep them as He commanded, either.

Here is how I failed to keep the Ten Commandments

As James said in his epistle, 

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it (James 2:10).

I will now move through commandments God gave and explain how I (and how I expect you as well) did not and do not keep the ten rules telling us how to regard and respect God. (These rules are found mostly in Deuteronomy.) Nor did I keep the five rules telling us how to regard and respect the Law or the four rules telling us what the signs are between Israel and God, or the four rules telling us how to pray.

Regarding the Second Commandment, I did not keep the 45 rules explaining what idolatry, idolaters, and idolatrous practices are.

Regarding the Third Commandment, I did not keep the six rules telling us how to do vows, oaths, and swearing properly.

Regarding the Fourth Commandment, I did not keep the 37 rules telling us how to keep the Sabbath day holy. Moreover, there are 16 rules telling us how to keep every seventh YEAR—the Sabbath years.

Regarding the Fifth Commandment, I did not keep the 22 rules telling us how to regard and respect marriage, divorce, and family relations. Among these, there are four rules commanding how to regard your firstborn child.

Regarding the Sixth Commandment, I did not keep the four rules telling us how to proceed when we receive injuries and damages or when people sin against us—and there are six rules detailing criminal acts. Furthermore, there are 23 rules governing punishments and restitution (including killing someone who does not keep the Sabbath).

Regarding the Seventh Commandment, I did not keep the 22 rules telling us how to regard and respect marriage, divorce, and family—rules which overlap with the application of the fifth commandent. Related to these, there are 24 rules detailing forbidden sexual relations.

Regarding the 8th Commandment, I did not keep the 26 rules telling us how to conduct business practices properly. In addition, there are 18 rules telling us how to treat employees, servants, and slaves.

Regarding the 9th Commandment, I did not keep the 39 rules telling us how to regard and respect other people nor the 12 rules telling us how to take care of the poor and unfortunate.

Regarding the 10th Commandment, I did not keep the 35 rules telling us how to proceed in the courts and judicial procedures (including NOT suing family members). Related to these are the previously mentioned four rules telling us how to proceed when we receive injuries and damages, the six rules detailing criminal acts, and the 23 rules giving punishments and restitution when we do covet and steal.

Not only did I not keep the rules detailing the observance of the Ten, I ignored the following commands.

When God established Israel’s worship system, He included 29 rules outlining the duties of the priests. There are 23 rules commanding tithe, who should pay it, and for what it should be used. Moreover, there are 32 rules commanding the respect of the temple, the sanctuary, and sacred objects, and there are 101 rules specifying the use of offerings.

God also established laws for Israel’s health system. There are six specific rules commanding agriculture and animal husbandry practices, three rules commanding what to wear, and 26 rules telling Israel how and what to eat. Furthermore, there are 15 rules dealing with ritual purity and impurity. There is one rule dictating where to place their latrines (Deut. 23:11–15), and there is one rule telling men how to cut their hair.

Finally, when God established Israel’s government, He gave six rules telling them how to respect government leaders. There are ten rules establishing the Nazarites and their specific duties, and there are 15 rules commanding how to conduct wars.

Therefore, my Adventist friend, if you have decided to keep the Mt. Sinai Law System, at least read it. It will likely surprise you, and it will take you awhile.

On the other hand, you have an alternative. The Lord Jesus has fulfilled the Mosaic Law, and He has inaugurated a new system of government. It is much better and simpler! Read John 13 to John 17 and the book of Galatians. Ask God to teach you what He knows He wants you to learn. 

When you see and hear the gospel of your salvation, that Jesus died for your sins according to Scripture, that He was buried, and that He rose on the third day according to Scripture, you will never be the same. The Law will take its rightful place as a shadow of reality, and the Lord Jesus will be your all in all. †

Margie Littell
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