Dominican Republic Church Broadcasts Adventism to Most of the Island

A new Adventist church in the Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province on the northeast part of the Dominican Republic is the first to be equipped with a radio antenna transmitting Adventist programming to more that 195,000 people on the island. Not only has the new church, called “Radio Amanecer I”, become the first to do double duty as a local Adventist meeting hall and a radio station, but it is also the 39th Adventist church built in the Dominican Republic in 2016 “as part of an ongoing, annual church construction plan.” Funds for the building were raised by an annual “offering of gratitude”.

President of the Dominican Adventist Church, Pastor Cesario Acevedo, says: “Expanding the coverage off Radio Amanecer will contribute to the restoration of the family, the spiritual freedom of many, the defense of sacred human rights, and many people believing the eternal principles of the Holy Scriptures.”

Radio Amanecer’s general manager Miqueas Fortunato says there is a plan to “set up five more antennas throughout the island this year, and these will be on top of five new churches as well.”

Observations: The stated contributions of this Adventist radio station listed above raise some questions. For example, if this Adventist programming will contribute to “the defense of sacred human rights,” one wonders how the wide-spread acceptance and practice of abortion within Adventism fits into the human rights category? Furthermore, the understanding behind the phrase “the eternal principles of the Holy Scriptures” includes the supposedly eternal reality and application of the Ten Commandments with special emphasis on keeping the seventh-day Sabbath. Meanwhile, the intentional proselytizing continues with the establishment of 25-30 new churches on the island every year, driven by the intention to reach the entire island with Adventism during the next three years.

Source: Adventist Review Online

Chris Lee
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