The Lord Led Us To Himself

BILL AND LLOYCE PAULS | Former Adventists, Now Born Again

Bill’s Story: Jesus Found Me


I was not the typical Adventist boy. I was raised in a pretty chaotic home with an alcoholic father who was not a nice man. When I was 12 or so, the Lord realized my situation was not good. He picked me, giving me a desire to want to go to church and meet my Savior. That was not, it seems to me now, a normal 12-year-old desire. 

My aunt moved to Tucson where I lived, and she was an Adventist, introducing me to Adventism. I shared with her how happy I was to get to go to church with her—and that thrilled her. 

I was baptized just before my fourteenth birthday.

When I came up from the water, I felt I had a new body, mind, and soul. I knew I was a completely new person. My Savior had touched me—thank you, Lord Jesus!

My aunt, who had no children, offered to pay my way to Thunderbird Academy, and the amount I didn’t work off my bill, she would pay. 

I was excited! I thought that the kids at TA would be just like me: excited to learn about Christ and His love for us. 


I was more than sad when I learned that most of my NEW friends were not excited about our Jesus. Most of them had been raised from birth in Adventist homes, and they knew all about Jesus—all the do’s and don’s.

Well, I faded away from my excitement for Jesus, too.

Married with Children

Fast forward to married life. We had three sons, an active Adventist lifestyle, Adventist schools, church involvement, the whole deal—but still I was missing what I experienced and knew the day I was baptized. I needed a new beginning.

We went through different episodes of searching for a better walk to the the Lord. We tried Weimar diets—only to be laughed at in jest that all the whole wheat pizza was gone when we arrived at the party! These new habits were all good, but they were all works. It was always US doing the walking, not letting the Lord do the walking. 

I still believed that we had to ask forgiveness for our sins when we prayed in order to bring us closer to the Lord—only to remember later that one sin I forgot to pray for, and then I would wonder if Jesus was disappointed in me.

I Began to Remember

I had a friend who shared Biblical issues with me, and I started to feel and remember the day I came out of the water after being baptized. For the first time in a long time I knew I was on the right path. This time my path didn’t involve the Sabbath or Adventism; both of those seemed to be taking me away from Jesus.

I now knew Jesus died for me completely. His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection give me freedom in Christ—a loving Savior. Receiving His righteousness is such a gift. 

Our son told us about the Tinkers, so we went and found them and started attending their Friday night Bible study—complete with great food. We knew we had arrived at the right place.

If you trust in the Lord He will never let you down. Remember, Christ’s own righteousness is the gift Jesus died to give us!

Lloyce’s Story: God Used My Son


About six years ago our son Greg officially left the Seventh-day Adventist organization and became a true Christian. Greg has been the primary help for me to leave Adventism. 

Bill and I usually visit Greg and his family several times a year where they live in Colorado. Soon after Greg became a former Adventist, he and I would sometimes be together to talk. He’d often begin by asking me a few questions. One of the first I remember was, “Do you think Adventists are Christian?”

I answered something like this, “I don’t know and shouldn’t judge, but I think most of them are.” I asked him, “What do you think?”

He replied, “I don’t think most of them are.”

I asked, “Why?”

He explained his belief in the Real Jesus.

I was a little confused. I always thought there was ONE Jesus, and He was the real Jesus. But there was a difference, he explained.

Another question I remember being asked was, “Do you think there will be Sabbath observance in heaven?”

I had always thought we would probably worship God in some way every day, so Greg continued asking me, “So do you think there will be night and days in heaven?”

“No nights,” I replied. I knew we weren’t going to get tired or need sleep, and there wouldn’t be darkness in heaven. I was a bit confused, though, because I thought it did say in the Bible that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another all would come together to worship before God. 

It was confusing.

I realized a lot of my thinking and beliefs needed to be re-evaluated.

Finding Answers

Greg gave me a book he thought would be good for me to read. He said, “Mom, would you PLEASE read these two books? But remember to pray each time before reading, and then read with an OPEN mind.”

I agreed. I took the two books and a couple others he had for me back to California with me to read.

The first book was Truth Led Me Out by Dale Ratzlaff. The second book was The White Lie by Walter Rae. 

The first little book was very interesting and informative on the errors of the 2300 day prophecy and the investigative judgment as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist organization and Ellen White.

 I felt that Dale and his wife Carolyn were very sincere. They were willing to give up their livelihoods for their beliefs now. What a blessing to all of us, right?!

The second book, The White Lie, was NOT new to me. I had heard of it many years ago, but I had never read it. The Adventist Church I was attending didn’t force the issue about Ellen White. 

I did have questions about the lies and the copying I heard some members talk about, though, so I turned to my third-generation Adventist mother and asked her about Ellen White’s plagiarizing. 

She said that Ellen probably did plagiarize a few times and reminded me of the accident she experienced in her early years, when she was hit in the head with a rock. She probably needed help sometimes! 

Now, though, I had this book in my hands to read! I was very anxious to read what it had to say. 

What I was reading was startling. Mrs. White didn’t just copy a few things. Even most of of the contents of my favorite of her books, Steps to Christ and The Desire of Ages, was copied!

It was sad to read these facts. I realized that Ellen hadn’t just lied about copying, but she also blasphemed against God, saying He had told her or that she was shown these things in visions!

Yes, she had lied to me since I was a child, and she lied to many thousands of others who have read her books and writings! 

I realized then, “I have to dismiss Ellen as a true prophet of God!”

Then I had the thought, “Can I still be an Adventist and just disregard all the E.G. White writings?”

But in my heart, I knew how she was so much a part of everything to do with Adventism. So, in the end, it finally came down to one question: “What about the Sabbath?”

The Sabbath—and keeping the Sabbath—was always confusing to me. It just seemed like everyone had their own spin on how to keep the Sabbath day. But I didn’t want to give up the Sabbath if that meant I’d receive the mark of the beast and be lost eternally.

God Revealed the Real Jesus

Again Greg came to my rescue! He told me about Life Assurance Ministries, Proclamation! magazine, and sermons by Pastor Gary Inrig of Redeemer Fellowship. I could listen or read them online anytime. Greg suggested I begin listening to the Former Adventist Podcasts about the errors of each one of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist organization. The podcasts done by Colleen Tinker and Nikki Stevenson were very informative. When I had finished listening to all of the podcasts covering the Adventist fundamental beliefs, I felt betrayed by the church I had been brought up in since childhood. 

Finally, I realized Adventism wasn’t for me anymore if I was going to be true to myself. 

Greg and our friend Pam Alexander encouraged Bill and me to attend a weekly Bible study group for former Adventists at the Tinker’s home in Yucaipa where we also live. So, we thought we’d give it a try. 

The group was very accepting and was primarily composed of other former Adventists, plus there were others attending online by Zoom. The Tinkers’ warm hospitality and knowledge of the Bible drew us in. It all sounded so good, but at times it was very overwhelming because there were lots of differences from how I had learned to understand the Bible. 

So I began the long ongoing process of unlearning false beliefs with truth from the Bible only. I still find myself thinking as an Adventist sometimes, and it’s very confusing! 

I began reading the New Testament in context without any commentaries or E.G .White books to tell me what to think. I had made it a habit to pray before reading and studying, claiming the promise of God to give wisdom if we ask in faith (James 1:5–8). After reading the New Testament and many other books, God revealed to me the Real Jesus. The One who came to this earth from heaven and died for me, and was buried and raised from the dead on the third day and returned to heaven, as the Scriptures said (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). 

I know I am now saved and have the assurance of salvation that I never had before. Praise God! Thank you, Jesus!

In closing, it’s our prayer that our stories will help many of you who have older parents, grandparents, and others still in Adventism, not to give up on them. Just plant the seed and remember, it’s ALL in God’s hands. †

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