We Got Mail

Jealous Of Our Sabbath School Lessons

I will call the president of the Adventist movement and ask him to stop giving out lessons. I just realized (1) that you have a great jealousy toward our lessons. (2) Without our lessons, you have no issues to discuss. (3) I’ll pray that you will repent and accept the truth again.

[Comment on this video.]


Disgruntled Self-Promoter

[Comment on this video.] Yep, this is what disgruntled ex-Adventists do. They go out of the church and preach only that which they learned from in the church. She is is secretly promoting  herself.

“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.”— 2 John 2:19-22


Response from FAF YouTube moderator Jim Liley: It appears that you have been given some false information about former Adventists. This happens when their information comes from people within the false counterfeit Seventh-day Adventist paradigm. Former Adventists are thankful and joyful for God’s great love and mercy to have rescued us from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

You Haven’t Moved On

[Comment on this video.] I love how these exAdventists think they are right but Adventists are wrong. But they  never present their truth; they just talk about the Adventist’s doctrine. Haha. You never moved on.


Viewer responses: 

Nothing funny about the calling of God—read your Bible. One does not believe unless one is called. God’s calling has nothing to do with the Adventist idea of EGW. She was called and used by Satan in her blasphemy against the truth. Clearly, Colleen has a gift of understanding and teaching. Open your ears and heart to God’s Word. Close your mouth to foolish sarcasm. 

Moving on would have been so easy, but why is Colleen laboring to reach out to people like you (Adventists)? Because she cares and wants you and all Adventists to know the real Gospel and the real Jesus and to have the salvation that is promised to all who believe and accept the Messiah.

Adventism Is More Disturbing Than I Imagined

[Comment on this video.] I have never been an Adventist, but I listen to these podcasts on account of having an Adventist friend who helped me through a very hard time, the death of my wife. Of course, he tried to convert me. Fortunately I was far too grounded in Scripture and history, as well as Church history and manuscript evidence. NEVERTHELESS he was a friend when I needed one. 

I wanted to be the same back and took the deep dive into Adventist apologetics. IT WAS FAR MORE DISTURBING THAN I COULD HAVE IMAGINED! 

We are still friends, but he no longer debates biblical doctrine with me. I know the truths I have presented him have impacted his conscience, but he has achieved a revered position in his local church.

So I pray that the spirit of deception will be lifted off of him. I AM CERTAIN  he believes that I am not saved and “not trusting in the Sabbath for my salvation”, AND I am not certain if he is saved or will simply suffer loss in the Kingdom of God for what he is trusting in. All judgment has been given by the Father to the Son. I simply give him the gospel: the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ.


Colleen Tinker
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