Responses To “Adventism Blames Satan for Sin”
Only Listened for 11 Minutes
I listened for 11 minutes and then stopped. This lady does not believe in free choice but rather in predestination and once saved, always saved. (Calvinism?).
Ironically, she chose to leave the Adventist church as a result of her freedom to make choices.
Response by Jim Liley, Moderator:
I think you should listen to the whole presentation as to what is actually being said, not letting your mind be distracted with trying to prove what you think you are hearing is wrong first.
“This lady does not believe in free choice but rather in predestination and once saved, always saved. (Calvinism?).”
No need to be rude. Her name is Colleen which she gave at the beginning of the video. Please do more research on a Christian’s free will and God’s sovereignty as well as eternal security for believers.
“Ironically, she chose to leave the Adventist church as a result of her freedom to make choices.”
The Adventist understanding of “Free will” is not biblical, and frankly, in my opinion, a heresy. Here is a link to the transcript of a podcast that teaches the biblical view of eternal security:
Dialogue with “Bibleaday”
Bibleaday: Ellen White, in Patriarchs and Prophets, does not say that Christ was elevated to be God’s Son and announced as such to the angels. But, because of the rebellion and discontent that had its beginning with Lucifer, it was necessary to tell who Christ was, that is, who he had always been. And E. White makes it clear also in that same first chapter of Patriarchs and Prophets, that he is the Son. This is before the creation week of Adam and Eve. The planning of creation week, Adam and Eve, is when, his sin began developing. He wanted to be a part of it but only God and his son could be.
Response: The assumption that God had to tell who Christ was because of Lucifer’s rebellion and discontent is nowhere in Scripture. We know that the Lord Jesus created all things that exist (John 1:3). Lucifer/Satan knew that Jesus was his creator, and so did the angels. They did not need Christ to be “exalted” or identified. Jesus has always been GOD. There has never been any doubt. Patriarchs and Prophets tells an untruth. The Bible alone is where we get our understanding of reality. EGW gave ideas that are not in Scripture, and she formed a worldview around those unscriptural ideas. We cannot believe her version of Jesus or Satan or God. She deceived people with untruth.
Bibleaday: Lucifer might have lied about God’s Son. Just a thought.—John 8:44: “When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
Response: Even if he did, we are not told that, nor does it make a difference to us. God reveals Himself to us, and all men are without excuse. If they reject Him, it is because they suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18–21). Satan is never blamed for our sin or for our misperception of God. God reveals Himself. He’s not at the mercy of His creatures’ sins against Him. Satan can’t stop God’s sovereign presence and revelation.
I wonder why Jesus told us Satan is a liar and the father of it if it doesn’t matter?
Response: Please hear the plain words I’m saying. I’m not saying Satan did not sin, and I’m not saying that he isn’t on earth seeking whom he may devour. I am saying that the Bible tells us absolutely no “pre-creation” story. Adventism’s belief that Satan is the cause of human sin is unbiblical. Satan is a fallen angel, and in some way which is not explained to us, God gave him access to earth. We know NO details about this story. But Adam and Eve are not Satan’s victims. They are responsible directly to God for choosing to doubt and disbelieve His word. They acted in unbelief when confronted with a conflicting idea. That conflicting idea did not make them sin. We absolutely cannot blame Satan for human sin. Jesus did command us to pray for the Father to deliver us from temptation—which is real—but temptation does not equal causing us to sin. Adam caused us to be born spiritually dead, and God gives us the ability to recognize Him and believe. We answer to God. Satan is not part of our salvation story.
My Heart and Stomach Churn
Each time I happened to stop and listen a bit (a few times), both my stomach and heart churn..
Response by Jim Liley, Moderator: There’s a reason for that. The Holy Spirit is calling you out from the Seventh-day Adventist counterfeit pseudo-Christian organization. †
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