Adventists Are Wolves In Our Local Community
I’m writing from Australia to let you know I continue to be very blessed by your ministry and weekly podcasts which I devour.
As the Lord keeps open the door, I am planning to study through the book of Romans this year with our Adventist neighbors. I’m so thankful to God for your podcast as it is giving me valuable insights as a good background as we study through Romans together. I’m praying it is a means by which they are reached with the true gospel.
However, as I’ve become more in touch with my Adventist neighbor,s I’ve also become enlightened to the Adventist evangelistic efforts in my local community which, disturbingly to me, seem to be quite effective in sucking in numbers of the Christian community into Adventism. People do not realize the truth about Adventism due to its incredibly well-made “sheep skin” covering. I have recently become aware of two Christian families whom I’ve grown up with (but lost contact with) being now sucked into Adventism.
The tactics the local Adventists are using include hosting a yearly homeschoolers camp, running local discover vitality programs, and hijacking KYB (Know Your Bible) studies as leaders to teach Adventist doctrines, and so forth. Hosting the homeschooler’s camp seems to be a big draw.
I’m so disturbed at all this and at how unaware Christians are and how susceptible this makes them to being sucked in to a false gospel. I am praying that the Lord would show me what can be done to push back against this local Adventist evangelization movement that seems to be growing in recent years here in our local community. I’m wondering if you have any suggestions?
Also, in our local country community, the Adventist group is renting a Christian campsite every Saturday to hold their Sabbath meetings, and this seems to have given them some validation as an “okay denomination” that just meet on Saturdays. To me, if you would not rent a Christian camp site out to Mormons, you should not rent it out to Adventists, simply for the fact it gives them contact and credit as a legitimate Christian denomination!!! But how can I communicate this concern to the campground’s board members?? Do you have any advice on this matter?? How do I make them understand how serious this is?
I know for a fact that one Christian family has started attending the local Adventist church every Saturday simply because it meets at the Christian campsite where on Sundays the local Christian community church meets.
On another note…I am praying that in the future there will be a FAF conference (even if by simulcast) held in Australia every year! Are you aware of anything of this sort already happening in Australia that I could connect with?
I feel God has awakened my family up to what’s going on locally as two of our neighbors seem to be at the head of this local Adventist movement (one couple being both medical doctors and running all the programs I mentioned). We’ve been able to build some fairly good relationships with them, .although they are completely unaware how much insight we have into the wolf underneath the sheep skin, if that makes sense…they are unaware we’re not innocent to their tactics.
Thank you very much in advance for any wisdom you can share. I’m so disturbed by all this!!
Thank you and love In Christ,
Response: Thank you for writing.
You are discovering what is perhaps the most upsetting aspect of Adventism: it is such an excellent deception, such a counterfeit, that unless Christians really know the Bible well themselves, Adventists can convince them that they have the bests “version” of Christianity—when it is not Christian at all!
Adventists in many communities are embedded in the homeschool movement. In fact, the entire homeschool movement was actually spearheaded by Raymond Moore, who with his wife Dorothy founded Moore Academy, and he was an Adventist. His book Better Late than Early is credited with launching the homeschool movement. He got many of his educational principles from Ellen White’s writings on child rearing. Most Christians either do not know or do not remember that Moore was Adventist. This is only one example of how Adventism has gained a foothold in Christian communities almost unnoticed—but it leaves a big imprint on the culture.
I am not saying homeschooling should be avoided because of the heavy Adventist influence in its founding. I am only saying that Adventists feel they have a right to represent themselves as Christian and to embed themselves in local homeschool co-ops. Unless the leaders are aware of the Adventist worldview which all Adventists share—a worldview which WILL affect the way they teach the homeschooling Bible curricula, Adventists can shape a local homeschool group almost unnoticed.
I 100% agree with you that if the directors of a Christian camp would not rent to Mormons, they should not rent to Adventists, either.
I don’t have a good way to educate the Christian community. The best I know to do is to have personal conversations and to provide resources. For example, the article “What Is Seventh-day Adventism” is an overview of the Adventist worldview and how it is not Christian:
I also suggest that if people are interested, the Former Adventist Podcast is helpful for contrasting Adventism with Christianity. I suggest our series on the 28 Fundamental Beliefs:
Searching for Sabbath In Christ
I send my greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
About twenty-one years ago I came across a very edifying book titled Sabbath in Christ. I was traveling to another country, and the person next to me in the bus was the owner. I just looked through a few pages, and before getting his contact we departed.
So today I have checked on Google and interestingly got this address.
My request from you is to get a copy/copies of the book/books entitled Sabbath in Christ.
May our Lord provide.
Response: Thank you for writing. We will be putting Sabbath In Christ online as a free book available for download within the next few months. I will subscribe you to our weekly magazine where we will offer the book chapter-by-chapter each week when we begin publishing it.
Although we are not currently publishing a printed version of Proclamation! magazine, all our back issues are online here:
We have also added your name to our weekly Proclamation! email updates. You may need to add the email address to your contacts in order for the email not to be directed toward your Spam folder. These emails will arrive every Friday. Archived articles are available at
You might also enjoy our YouTube channel here:
Also, you might like to subscribe to our Former Adventist Podcast here; many say these help them unpack the Adventism hidden in the recesses of their minds:
In addition, we have another podcast called Former Adventist Fact Check in which we talk through the misinformation contained in the weekly Sabbath School lessons. You can find them here:
Both podcasts are also on our YouTube channel above.
Studying Galatians in Switzerland
I am in touch with an Adventist woman that seems to be open to go with me through the book of Galatians. I wanted to listen to the podcasts on Galatians with her and then talk about it, but her English is not good enough.
Do you have notes on the Galatian podcasts that I could have, so that I could google translate them and work with that together with her?
Response: I’m sorry that I do not have the Galatians podcasts in transcript form. However, we do have an online study through Galatians that we did with FAF in our early days of Former Adventist Bible Study.. You can find the studies here:
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- We Got Mail - February 27, 2025
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