JOHNNY | Teen Believer
Jesus hasn’t approached me in any special way, like in a vision or in a dream; and He doesn’t approach most of us that way. If He did, that would contradict the meaning of special! Jesus still approaches me, though, whether it be through the Bible or through the Holy Spirit. I would like to specifically talk about how He has shown up for me personally, through suffering.
Jesus has shown up for me by being an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-just God. I know most of us are used to these concepts; they seem obvious at first. But if you really think about it, knowing this kind of God is mind-blowing.
Think about what it means that we worship a God who can make anything happen anywhere, anytime. Our God doesn’t just live outside of time restraints, but He actually created time itself. He is a God who doesn’t learn, but He just knows—and has always known, forever. Finally, He is a God who is all just, one who cannot do anything that isn’t just.
To a lot of people, these attributes can sound concerning, overbearing, and even tyrannical. But we, as followers of Christ, take peace and comfort knowing that whatever happens, whether we understand it or not, it happens at a minimum with the approval or ordainment of God. Now, of course, we are still human, and God can actually count on us to be unreasonable, doubtful, stressed, and worried, but that’s okay. In fact, I know this dynamic quite well.
I Defer to Job
I would like to be able to share a personal anecdote of how I experienced this sovereign intervention first hand, but I have no story I think that would help deliver my, or God’s message through me, as I have only been around for 17 years. I would, however, like to read to you and discuss some text from a book where the real sovereignty of God is displayed: from the Word of God. I’m turning to Job 1:1–22. After all that the accuser (the satan) was ordained to inflict on Job, the Scriptures say in verses 20–22:
Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped.
He also said,
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.”
Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.
Later in Job, God speaks and establishes the vast difference between the creature and the Creator, by sighting several cosmic and natural facts in creating and sustaining all things. Finally, God confronts Job by saying in chapter 40:8,
“Will you really annul My judgement? Will you condemn Me, that you may be justified?”
God continues in 40:14 by telling Job, basically, that if he could do God’s job, “then I [God] will praise you, that your right hand can save you!”
Job finally repents of thinking he understood God, having so little evidence from the perspective of one individual creature, implying that we—like Job—are to TRUST in “things too marvelous for me, which I did not understand.” (Job 42:3).
Don’t Take God for Granted
These passages help me understand the sovereignty and providence of God. But, more importantly, we are to TRUST God with the same TRUST we are to have in the completed redemptive work Jesus did on the cross.
I know a lot of people from a lot of very different backgrounds and pasts, but Job had it worse than anybody I’ve met or even heard of, let alone myself. I think it is very easy to take things for granted. Living in America, we have a lot of freedoms and privileges that aren’t even dreamed of by a lot of people in other countries. Of course, I am talking about taking life for granted. Every single one of us is a sinner, and without Jesus, we are guilty and condemned in front of God. Jesus has freely given believers His perfect righteousness and has put our sinful and filthy lives on the cross. But as sinners who don’t deserve anything, every breath is a gift and a magnificent demonstration of God’s love and mercy and should be considered as a precious gift.
As James 1:17 says, “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
God can bless us, and He does every day when the guilty breathe every breath—but don’t forget, He can also take that breath away. As we are formed by Him from dust, so shall we return. This concept might be hard to understand, or even to agree with, but that’s where we have to simply submit and humble ourselves before the God who created us, and CHOOSE to believe. This gives me such a deeper appreciation for the song, “He’s got the whole world in his hands” because it is LITERAL.
God brings me peace. He shows up for me when I believe in Him, knowing that EVERYTHING is in His hands. Confirming this reality—that God has EVERYTHING in His hands—is the biggest way that Jesus shows up in my life, other than saving me from an eternity of suffering of course!
My open letter to Jesus
Dear Jesus,
Merry Christmas! Thank you for both the blessings and the trials you have sent this year! During this time, we are thinking about gifts and presents—clothes, toys, candy, and other good things come to mind. I would like to thank you for the gifts of joy, new friendships, new puppies, happiness, good times, and blessings, but also for the gift of suffering, the loss of loved ones, hardships, and tribulations.
I know it seems as though these things are all bad, but I can see that they have only strengthened our relationship and helped me grow, both as a person, and more importantly, in faith! I hope and dream that people going through suffering can find peace in knowing that You have dominion over everything, as I have found great comfort in trusting You, and wait for the day when You will wipe away every tear!
I love you!
- God Rescued Me! - February 20, 2025
- I Was Approached By Suffering - January 16, 2025
- A “Never-Been” Discovers the Truth About Adventism - January 2, 2025
They do not only preach “another Gospel” they preach a complicated “Gospel” allegedly based on “The Three Angels Message”. Of course that leaves the door open to a complex bucket list, which is obscurantist by nature, thereby keeping their followers waiting and wanting to find out how they can “finish the task”, which they keep open, revising them as they go along.
All you have to do is hang around for a while, and you will notice the gradual drift in the message, as described in Proverbs 10:19 “When words are many, sin is unavoidable…”.
In every sense they violate the simplicity of the actual Gospel for their own purposes.
Theirs is a cleverly woven “finger puzzle”.
The obvious solution is to relax, read your Bible and do not be afraid when the puzzle looses its’ grip.