Will There Be Online Books?
It has been a while since we have been in touch, but I hear you every week on the Former Adventist Podcast together with Nikki! It is so precious! Thank you so much for investing into this ministry!
I am still walking with a few Adventists—at least with the ones that did not cut friendship with me, because I have apparently been trying to pull them away from the truth, as I do not understand that EGW was sent from God…!
I just heard in the podcast that the book from Dale: Truth Led Me Out, has an audio version? Did I understand that right? Would it be possible that I could buy that audio version and then pass it on to my Adventist friends? It would be a lot easier for them to hear it then to read it.
Does he have other of his book in audio as well?
I wish you a blessed, peaceful and joyful CHRISTmas season, celebrating the biggest miracle ever, that God became man, has left heaven and has come to die in our place to give us eternal life and to be transformed by Him step by step 🙂
Response: It’s so good to hear from you!
We will have the audio version of the book online, but it is not up yet. At this point I cannot say exactly when we will have it up—but it will be available! The online books will not be for sale but will be available for people to download and listen.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas!
You Are Lying
I haven’t met one Adventist that has ever believed the things you are lying about right now—[on Former Adventist Fact Check]. You need to take your anger out on the person or whatever has made you write and tell such things as this—do your research! You are not being led by the Holy Spirit in what you are saying—Jesus is the way, truth, and light, and if you ever visited an Adventist church, you would hear his name mentioned and highly uplifted.
Response: I suspect you did not watch the whole video. I explained why Adventism’s interpretation of “the way, the truth, and the life” is different from what the Bible reveals. Adventists use the right words, but they explain them the wrong way. For example, when Adventists says Jesus is The Way, they interpret that phrase to mean that he shows us the way to go: obedience to the law, praying often and depending on the power of the Hoy Spirit to enable us to keep the law with increasing perfection.
Jesus, however, Is the Way. He doesn’t show us how to live or demonstrate God’s character to us so we can be unafraid of Him—He Himself IS the way: His blood opens a new and living way to the Father (Hebrews 10:20). We have to embrace Him and His blood atonement, admit our hopeless sinfulness, and trust His death, burial, and resurrection. Then He IMPUTES His righteousness to us. He does not IMPART righteousness. We ourselves do not become perfect; we continue to live inside mortal sinful bodies until we are glorified when He resurrects us. Romans 5 through 8 are extremely helpful.
Just by the way, I spent over 40 years attending Adventist churches regularly. Even today I listen to Adventist sermons. I do not see the biblical Jesus and His gospel taught in Adventist churches. Being complimentary about Jesus is not teaching the truth about Him! His gospel is essential for our eternal life.
I Had No Idea What Adventists Really Meant
Having walked into the Adventist Church from a born-again background (I was born again when I was 15), I heard their language, At first it did seem like they were talking about the same Lord that I knew, but then one day I was talking with a lady who commented that she did try to do the best she could. She was hoping that she would be able to get to Heaven, and I looked at her in amazement.
She was a long-standing. Adventist and born into it. Then I told her that for sure we can know that we’re saved, and we actually went through the Romans Road together—but she insisted that she would not be able to know. In fact, she said nobody can know they are saved.
Well, I had no knowledge that Adventism actually, literally, taught this hopeless doctrine, so I was trying to convince her of some thing against her own understanding. I was standing with my mouth wide open in shock, and now I’m learning that this uncertain salvation is what they believe!
How could Adventists believe that they cannot be certain of salvation—and I did not know that doctrine??
I just was dumbfounded, and now I’m learning that I understand why she was saying what she was saying. This belief is what she’s been taught.
I thank you for your ministry; I am learning how Adventists can say things that sound the same as the things Christians from my Baptist background say—but the Adventists mean something different. One thing I am learning about myself is that I have not paid attention to what the basic foundation of my faith is; I have just accepted the Lord and walked on as if everybody who says the right words, knows the Bible. I had no idea that there were sinister meanings behind the words Adventists say, meanings that are different from what they say.
I say your ministry is so valuable ,and I am taking great interest and care to really understand and know the basics of my own understanding the Bible even though I went to Baptist Bible College. I just took everything for granted and did not really have a full understanding.
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