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Response to “Messing With the Trinity

I never knew how badly Seventh-day Adventists deny Christ as God. Even in their Heavenly Trio, they seem to accept Jesus as PART of what makes God. I am shocked at some of the comments already trying to deny their own beliefs, let alone the testimony given throughout the Bible. The following SINGULAR NAME should settle things for anti trinitarians, but I know they fight it. Matt. 28:18-20: “Then Jesus came and said to them, ’All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.’” I believe that Singular “name” was Yahweh in the Hebrew Bible.


Comments Regarding “You Antinomian!

I’m not sticking up for Adventism, but we must be aware of the very popular hyper-grace teachers on TV that provide ample ammunition for Adventists to accuse the brethren of being antinomian. I think that a distinction must be made between true Biblical Christianity, and the feel good motivational cotton candy that is being sold on most of Christian television in order to take away that ammunition.


Response: I agree; hyper-grace is as much a travesty of the gospel as is clinging to the law. The gospel of Scripture says that the Lord Jesus fulfilled the law (and “fulfilled” does not mean “abolish”; it means to fill it full of its intended meaning). We do not live WITHOUT law; we are under a new law with a new priesthood: the Lord Jesus according to the order of Melchizedek mediates the new covenant. We now live under the “law of Christ” (1 Cor. 9:20), and we are held to an incredibly high standard of morality and behavior. Every command of the New Testament is for the believer: no slander, no coarse jesting, no gluttony, no sexual impurity of any kind, and so on. These new covenant demands go far beyond the law’s demands: they demand purity of HEART. Only those who are made alive with the resurrection life of Jesus and indwelled by the Holy Spirit and declared righteous by imputation can begin to live under these new covenant commands. When we are indwelled by God Himself, He convicts us to trust Him in moments of temptation BEFORE we act and  convicts us and leads us to repentance when we fall. (I’m just wondering if you watched/listened to the whole podcast?)

Thoughts on Sabbath-Keeping and “Resurrection Sabbath

In other words, unless I observe Sunday, I can’t believe in that Christ was resurrected from the dead? I grew up with all the unwritten rules to observe Sunday. With my parents it was OK to work on the lawn mower on Sunday, but you couldn’t mow the grass with it. We had all the Sunday rules and regulations we were expected to observe. Businesses were expected by law to close down on Sunday. You say Sunday was not really a sabbath, but you can’t deny that through the centuries the church considered Sunday the “Christian sabbath”, and it was enforced. But don’t all these Sunday rules fall into the category of “doctrines and commandments of men”, as Jesus brought out? I appreciate your honesty in stating that there was never any command to observe Sunday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus. I made this observation myself, years ago. You have to remember, the Sabbath school lesson was written by men, and I find mistakes in it occasionally myself. The only thing you can really put your trust in is the words of Jesus, especially as He explains the true meaning of the Scriptures.


Response: I didn’t say that unless we observe Sunday, we can’t believe in the resurrection! Quite the opposite! We believe in the resurrection, so we meet together on the first day because the One who saved us and gives us our new identities in Him inaugurated the new covenant on that day. My point, though, was that Sunday is not a MANDATED day. I am aware that there are Christians who do treat Sunday as a new sabbath. I disagree with this position; the New Testament has never mandated Sunday sacredness or worship. But the seventh-day Sabbath was completely FULFILLED in the Lord Jesus. He IS the substance of which the Sabbath was merely a shadow (Col 2:16, 17). The day we worship is not a test nor a sign nor a seal in the new covenant. Now we live in the new covenant, and as Hebrews 4 says, He has appointed a new day called TODAY. If you hear His voice TODAY, do not harden your hearts. Believe and enter His rest, His finished work for our salvation, TODAY. Then everyday will be the time of your Sabbath rest! You will find “sabbatismos”, your Sabbath-like rest that is not defined by nor memorialized by a day. Observing a day becomes a way to honor the body of Christ because it is convenient to meet then and it has significance because of the resurrection. But there are NO mandated days in the new covenant! †


Colleen Tinker
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