ASK THE PASTOR WITH DALE RATZLAFF | Pastor and Founder, Life Assurance Ministries (1936–2024)
Why make such a big deal out of Antiochus Epiphanes and Daniel 8:14?
I have received many wide-ranging responses to the Daniel 8:14 article published in the last Proclamation! I will again summarize my understanding and address why we give this attention to such an obscure text. Support for Antiochus Epiphanes (AE) as the fulfillment of Daniel 8:8-14 is strong:
• John Calvin understood that AE was in view in Daniel 8.1
• Martin Luther said, “This chapter in Daniel refers both to Antiochus and Antichrist.”
• The Expositor’s Bible Commentary applies this section of Daniel to AE.2
• Keil-Delitzsch Commentary of the Old Testament concludes that Daniel 8:8-14 is a prophecy of AE.3
• Des Ford said, “Daniel 8:10-14 had its primary application to the days of Antiochus Epiphanes.”4
• Matthew Henry’s Commentary states that AE is in view in Daniel 8.5
• Josephus applies Daniel 8 both to AE and to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Josephus has a different number for Daniel 8:14. Instead of 2300 “evening mornings” he lists the number as 1,296 “days”.6
There are many other scholars, too numerous to list, that support AE as the fulfillment of Daniel 8:8-14.
Some of the letters mentioned that the vision (or book) of Daniel was sealed until the “time of the end” which, they said, would exclude AE. One writer said that the first “time of the end” was AD 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. This view has biblical and historical support. This writer said the second “time of the end” was 1968. Another writer stated that the “time of the end” was 1948 when Israel was again given a home. In the Adventist schools I was taught that the time of the end was 1798; therefore, the fulfillment of Daniel 8 must be after that date.
The reason Daniel 8:14 is a hot button in Adventist circles is that its “central pillar of the Advent movement,” the investigative judgment, is founded on this obscure apocalyptic passage.
So what is the correct interpretation of Daniel 8:14? If you have done your own study, you will know that there is great disagreement among scholars. Here is our point, however. The reason Daniel 8:14 is a hot button in Adventist circles is that its “central pillar of the Advent movement,” the investigative judgment, is founded on this obscure apocalyptic passage.
This is the fundamental error of Adventism. Doctrine should always come from clear, didactic passages studied in context. Paul said that he “fully preached the gospel.” Jude tells us to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Too often obscure, apocalyptic passages divert our attention from simple truths of the gospel. Rather than quibble over the exact or multiple interpretations of Daniel 8:14, let us feed on the richness of the gospel found, for example, in John and in Paul’s epistle to the Romans.
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life (Jn. 5:24).
But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction (Rom. 3:21-22). †
1 John Calvin, Commentary on Daniel, p. 95-110.2
2 P. 95-101.
3 P. 295-306.
4 Daniel 8:14, The Day of Atonement and the Investigative Judgment, p. A-76.
5 P. 1080.
6 Josephus, Antiquities, Book X, Chapter XI, Section 7.
Books by Dale Ratzlaff are still available at
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