Confusion, Dread, and Darkness Gone Forever
I’m studying the book of Daniel as I listen to your podcast. I’ve just completed Daniel 8: 1-14 (with visceral fear and trembling). Wow! It is all about our sovereign God and His nation Israel! It is a historical event that is celebrated by Hanukkah! My spirit is soaring heavenward in awe and worship. My childhood investigative judgement confusion, dread, and darkness are forever gone. Thank you, Colleen and Nikki, for your grammatical and historical teaching! I am grateful and blessed!
Response: It makes me so happy to read how the Lord has opened up Daniel to you. Isn’t it amazing to be able to read the words and believe what they say?!
It still overwhelms me how history confirms the details of prophecy. It’s overwhelming to see how the Lord gave us prophecy for our comfort and orientation instead of as a puzzle to figure out and to fear.
Thank you so much for sharing your response! It makes me so happy! God is faithful.
Articles Needed Addressing Sabbath
One lady that goes to my church has a brother that is an Adventist. He has challenged me on Facebook to answer some questions about the Sabbath. I have sent him some articles that we have on our website, but they don’t go into much depth on some of the Scriptures that we use to defend the ceasing of the Sabbath observation.
I saw one article on your website by Jerry Rector and it seems to be in depth—to what degree I am not sure. Would you recommend I give this to him, or do you have another article that might be better? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’m looking forward to your reply; thank you.
Response: Thank you for writing. Yes, the Jerry Rector article is good. I can also recommend some others that would address this problem as well. Adventists have no understanding of the biblical covenants. They do not understand that the new covenant is the unconditional promise of God and that the law was a shadow completely fulfilled by the Lord Jesus.
Here are a few articles:
- The Covenants—The Continental Divide of Biblical Interpretation
- It’s Not About the Sabbath (chapter 11 from an online book)
- Getting Unstuck from the Sabbath
- Does the Manna Support Sabbath-Keeping?
Here are a couple of videos:
I hope these are helpful!
Similarities Between Adventism and The Watchtower Not Coincidence
I’m listening again to Alex DeMayo (1979), “Help! I’m Going Crazy!” and Bill & Laura Althaus (1996) ,“Abandoned…Adopted!” These are former Jehovah’s [false] Witness testimonies. I am again struck by several similarities with Adventism.
There are multiple reasons Adventism eclipses the purity of the central event of human history: a physicalist worldview that keeps people from knowing their true need and their only rescue—the finished atonement of Jesus; the false prophet…who proof-texted the Bible until its true meaning was hidden; and the central belief that keeping the law is part of being ready for heaven, resulting in overarching legalism.
There are so many dramatic similarities between The Watchtower and Adventism that it can’t be coincidence. These are most likely attributed to common origins, similar isogetical methods, common Millerite roots, and the above similarities in their worldviews.
Response: I agree with you; the similarities between the two religions are not coincidences. They do share a common origin—and behind the common milieu from which they sprang is a spirit dedicated to eclipsing Jesus.
- March 1–7, 2025 - February 27, 2025
- We Got Mail - February 27, 2025
- February 22–28, 2025 - February 20, 2025