No Going Back!
Thank you so much for your ministry! I was raised Adventist and havent been an active Adventist for years, but as I try to sort out what the truth is, the things I was taught my whole life come back to confuse me. But there is no going back knowing all that I know now. I have been watching the YouTube channel and really appreciate the content.
Helping Our Pastor Understand Adventism
Im not sure if its like this where you are, but Ive learned that Christian churches here have a ministry year where their main programs (community groups, discipleship groups) and studies are held during September–June and take a break during the summer. I have reached out to other churches in my area to find in person studies I can join!
Also, this past Sunday a member at my church let me know that he disciples an Adventist who seems to understand the gospel and is questioning Adventism (he was recently baptized in a local Adventist church, and his grandmother is very much a strong Adventist), so the member and one of our pastors has asked me for help. I am very grateful God has me here to help the church in this way. Please pray for him and that God may open his eyes to the truth and that God may use me according to His will!
Response: What a situation! I am praying now that the Lord will use you and that you will be able to lend insight and understanding, both to the Christians and to the Adventist being discipled!
Yes, the churches I know also have “ministry years” with summers mostly “off”. We don’t break for summer with FAF though. People dealing with Adventism don’t take a break from their questions during the summer! Haha!
If you ever want to join us for the FAF Bible Study on Fridays at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, just send an email requesting a link!
Links to Phil Johnson’s Talks
I was wondering if you have digital recordings that you would be able to share with me of Phil Johnsons talks at the FAF conference in 2021 that are on Youtube. I have found them quite helpful and passed them on to friends with people in their lives interested in Adventism. I am looking for three of the talks: “Church History You Never Knew”, “About Ellen G. White”, and “Sabbath and The Lord’s Day”.
I attended [an Adventist university] and met my wife there. Thanks to resources like you provide, we questioned Adventist teachings, and my wife ended up leaving the Adventist church (10+ years ago) and we found a solid biblical church. Now her sister has come to a true knowledge of the gospel and is trying to leave the Adventist church (although her conservative Adventist husband is not on board). We continue to pray for him and the rest of our in-laws who are in the Adventist church.
Response: We do not have specifically audio recordings of Phil Johnson. The best way I know to share those is to share the links to the YouTube videos and for people to listen to them as if they were podcasts. I frequently listen to YouTube talks without actually watching them…;)
I know this isn’t the same as handing someone a CD, but right now it’s the most accessible way we have to share them. Here are the links:
Praise God for bringing you out of Adventism into the light of knowing Jesus.
- March 29–April 4, 2025 - March 27, 2025
- We Got Mail - March 27, 2025
- March 22–28, 2025 - March 20, 2025