This weekly feature is dedicated to Adventists who are looking for biblical insights into the topics discussed in the Sabbath School lesson quarterly. We post articles which address each lesson as presented in the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, including biblical commentary on them. We hope you find this material helpful and that you will come to know Jesus and His revelation of Himself in His word in profound biblical ways.
Lesson 13: “The Judging Process”
Problems with this lesson:
- This lesson assumes that the Adventist investigative judgment is a biblical fact.
- The explanations for the Adventist idea of judgments are defended primarily with passages by Ellen White and by out-of-context proof-texting.
- This lesson is not teaching Scripture but is indoctrinating into Adventist assumptions.
This lesson is not a Bible study; it is an indoctrination into Adventism using its “central pillar”, the investigative judgment, as the anchor of this worldview built around the idea of an investigative judgment and the ultimate annihilation of the wicked.
Because of the confusion of these doctrines and the out-of-context uses of biblical texts to build a framework of three judgments and a God who needs vindicating, we will not attempt to address every point of these arguments. Instead, we will give you some links to sermons and articles already on our websites to show how Adventism’s foundation is heretical.
First, we bring you Dale Ratzlaff’s talk at the 2013 Former Adventist Fellowship Conference:
Next we offer an article by Dale Ratzlaff:
Now we offer links to some of our Former Adventist Podcasts that address some of the Fundamental Beliefs:
In these podcasts we address these assumption of an investigative (pre-advent) judgment, the condition of man in death, and the idea of annihilation. We also address the fact that Scripture teaches that the millennial kingdom is on the earth, not a private affair in heaven.
Finally, we share an article by Martin Carey in which he shows the heretical nature of Adventism’s “openness of God” idea—a theory which validates their idea of the Great Controversy supposedly raging because Satan accused God of being unfair. In fact, Satan made no such claim; rather, Romans 3:26 reveals that the question answered by the cross of Christ is the question of why have not the sinners been killed already? Jesus’ death showed God’s justice and mercy by taking the imputed sin into His body on the cross and paying the price for human sin backwards and forwards. All humans who believe God, from the beginning to the end of the age, have their sins completely forgiven, past, present, and future, by Jesus’ death.
We pray that these resources will help the reader to see what the Bible actually says and to understand the true biblical gospel of the finished atonement: Jesus died for our sins according to Scripture; He was buried, and He was raised on the third day according to Scripture (1 Cor. 15:1–4). †
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