Appalling Assertion
How can anyone say that without the Ten Commandments, anyone is free to “cheat, steal, murder, and commit adultery” (quoted from your editorial on Friday, June 17, 2022)? Such an assertion appalls me.
Can it be that anyone who can say that has never read their Bible beyond Exodus chapter 20? Have they never read the teachings of Jesus or the writings of Paul, Peter, Jude, and John?
Here are some of the references I have collected during my study of the Bible/New Testament:
- Matthew 5:48; 6:33; 25:34–40; Luke 6:46–49
- Romans 12:9–21: Christian conduct
- 2 Corinthians 5:17: Becoming a completely new person in Christ
- Ephesians 4:17–32: Putting off the old and and putting on the new
- Ephesians 5: Entire chapter
- Ephesians 6:10–17: The whole armor of God
- Philippians 1:9–11: Right standing with God
- Philippians 2:15: Blameless
- Colossians 1:10-: Walk in a manner worthy of God, desiring to please Him
- Colossians 1:22: Holy, faultless, irreproachable
- Colossians 3: Christian behavior
- 1 Thessalonians 5:22: Abstain from evil
- 1 Timothy 6:11: Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love
- 2 Timothy 1:9: Called to a life of holiness
- 2 Timothy 2:19: Depart from unrighteousness
- Titus 2:11, 12: Christians are to live godly lives
- Titus 3:2, 8, 9: Forbearance ad courtesy; do good deeds
- Hebrews 12:14: Without holiness no one will see God
- Jude 24: Unblemished, blameless, faultless
- 1 Peter 1:15: Be holy
- 1 John 5:17: All unrighteousness is sin
In the new covenant, God gives us a new heart so that we don’t want to sin; we want to do right! In his book on Galatians, Timothy Keller says, “The more joy we have in our gracious salvation, the more we are driven by love and gratitude to do good for the sheer beauty of good, for sheer delight in God, for the sheer love of others” (p. 140, par 1).
Damaged By False Religion
Thank you for the touching story of Mary Hartwell. I imagine many were damaged emotionally by the leaders of a false religion and that there are even greater disappointments for the adherents of that religion today.
Sabbath Before the Jews?
I hadn’t realized that the weekly Sabbath was also considered as a “ceremonial sabbath” [as per Leviticus 23], and my only concern would be how could we reconcile that with the Sabbath in Genesis 2:2-3 before the Jews came into the picture? Why would God want to bless and sanctify the Sabbath day? And why would Jesus’ disciples and apostles continue to keep the Sabbath after the cross? Thanks once again for your feedback.
Response: the word “Sabbath” is not used in Genesis. Instead, God rested (ceased) from His labor on Sabbath because it was FINISHED. HE rested because there was no more work to do. He declared His finished work holy, and significantly, the language of the seventh day in Genesis is different from the other six days—they both have the boundary of “the evening and the morning” marking each day—but the seventh day had no boundary. It was God’s ceasing when He completed His work that He declared Holy. That seventh day of God’s ceasing didn’t end and then usher in God’s continuing work on the next day. No. He ceased—and His ceasing was permanent. There was no day the God ceased resting and worked again. His work was DONE.
Hebrews 4 explains that the seventh day did not bring Israel into God’s rest because they were unbelieving, so God set a new day: TODAY. TODAY if you hear His voice, enter His rest!
Furthermore, the articles in this week’s Proclamation! email by Wes Ringer and Richard Foster should help demonstrate that most Christians did NOT keep the seventh-day Sabbath after Jesus’ resurrection.
I will give you some links that may help you.
- First, this video from our last FAF Conference may be helpful: Foundations: The Sabbath
- Here is an article by Dale Ratzlaff: “Was Sabbath Created?”
- Here is an article from Dudley Canright’s book: “The Sabbath in The Old Testament”
Have you been listening to the Former Adventist Podcasts? If not, I believe you would find them helpful:
Present Truth is NOT What Jesus Did 2000 Years Ago on the Cross
- Here is a video from one of our recent FAF conferences: Adventists Have the Wrong Priest
- Here is a video by Dale Ratzlaff from a past FAF Conference: Three Adventist Doctrines That Compromise the Gospel
- Here is an article that compares Adventism to the biblical gospel: What Is Seventh-day Adventism?
- February 22–28, 2025 - February 20, 2025
- February 15–21, 2025 - February 20, 2025
- We Got Mail - February 20, 2025