Will We Have Bodies In Heaven?
Will we be physical beings in heaven and the new Earth with a real human body? The Adventist Church teaches that we will have bodies no longer subject to aging, sickness, and so forth. We will be immortal and young forever. Are they correct here? I hope it is true, because I like to think that we will be human beings with a real human body in the afterlife, not just disembodied spirits as it were. I know the Bible states that flesh and blood cannot dwell in Heaven. Does this mean our current mortal body, or will we be made immortal in body so it can dwell in Heaven? Or will we be spirits in Heaven and have an immortal body on the New Earth? Your comments on this would be appreciated a lot.
Response: We know we will be physical beings in heaven after the Lord Jesus comes back to receive us. Jesus’ own resurrection shows us what our resurrection bodies will be like, and 1 Corinthians 15 speaks a lot about our resurrection bodies. We will not be fully human if we are not both body and spirit.
As Jesus goes, so go we—at least as it concerns resurrection. He had a literal body, but it was equipped for life beyond our earth. He was not subject to the same physical laws we are; He could appear in a room without entering by the door. Furthermore, He literally and physically ascended to the Father (Acts 1). He did, however, eat fish in His glorified body (Luke 24:42, 43)!
Until we are resurrected, we separate from our bodies when we die, and we become present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:1–9).
Our resurrection bodies will be eternal. Again, Jesus’ resurrection body is our example of what we can expect. For further reading on this subject, here are a couple of links: What Happens When We Die? In Death Are We Present With The Lord?
Finally Free
I want to tell Nicole how much her article on the spirit has blessed me (How the Bible Convinced Me We Have Spirits).
I broke down in tears when reading Romans 8:9-11 because FINALLY that Scripture made sense to me (as did Romans 7:24-25).
I can now rejoice with Paul (Romans 8:1,2)… I am (finally) free indeed! 🙂
What Was Jesus Doing Before 1844?
The church leader that I am meeting on Wednesday I don’t know personally, but I know that he is in the Christian Church Allianz Kometiee, and he knows many Bible-believing church leaders in Switzerland. I am trying to go straight to “the top” to bring their awareness the false, subtle, and very dangerous cult of Seventh-day Adventism. Christians NEED to know, and they desperately need to take the Adventist church down from its official status among Bible-believing churches!! I pray that this pastor really will HEAR me and that he will have red flags and big concerns. I pray that he will support me in getting desperate awareness going in the churches!
Another question that I can’t figure out or don’t fully understand about the false Adventist teaching is: where was Jesus before He went to the Father in 1844, and what was He doing during that time?
Is my understanding correct that Adventists believe that when they sin and don’t confess that Jesus is holding account of those sins, or are the angels doing that? What happens if they forget to confess or for some other reason they do not confess every sin? Will they still have a chance to stand at the last judgement, or will that be the end for them?
Response: Adventists do believe Jesus was in heaven before 1844, but they believe He began his High Priestly ministry of the investigative judgment in 1844. I can’t tell you exactly WHAT they thought He was doing, but EGW does say that He was answering the prayers of the saints until He moved into the Most Holy Place in 1844. After he left the outer compartment, Satan came and sat down on the vacated seat. All those on earth who did not believe that Jesus began His supposed Most Holy Place work of investigation and of applying His blood (and those “unbelievers” are the Sunday-keeping Christians who did not believe the Adventist story of the investigative judgment) would pray and would, unknown to them, have their prayers answered by Satan who sat on that outer court throne and took the place of Jesus in the lives of all who didn’t believe the Adventist message.
HOW believers’ sins are recorded and kept isn’t developed in detail, but Ellen’s general idea is that angels are the “recording angels” who write the sins in the heavenly books of remembrance. Jesus then reads these lists of sins in the course of His investigation. If a sin is unconfessed, that sin will not be forgiven.
That fact is what terrifies so many Adventists. It’s also why they have developed other sorts of explanations of the investigative judgment so they don’t have to feel so desperate about remembering every sin. Nevertheless, EGW said that unconfessed sins, even forgotten sins, will be held against the person who committed them. Those sins may keep them out of heaven because they haven’t had Jesus’ blood applied to them.
When Jesus finishes the Investigative judgment, whenever that might be, no one on earth will know He is done. But at that point, everyone is “locked in”. If people have sins they haven’t confessed, they remain unforgiven. If people have been doing their best and getting the victory over sin, Jesus will make up the difference so they can get to heaven. But the doctrine actually says that in whatever state of confession/unconfession a person’s sins may be when Jesus finishes the IJ, that is his eternal position. So if sins aren’t being confessed and forgiven regularly, they will condemn the person if they are still on the books of record even by accident or forgetfulness.
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