DECEMBER 11, 2020
Does the new covenant require tithing?
Can you please explain if believers in the new covenant are obliged to pay tithe? I have not seen any Scriptures in the New Testament that instruct believers to tithe. I have only seen verses that encourage them to give offerings willingly. But I hear preachers and churches teach that the old covenant law, including the Sabbath was nailed to the cross, yet they also teach that its obligatory to pay tithe. They normally quote verses from the book of Malachi. Please help.
Response: Thank you for writing! Tithe-paying was required in the old covenant law. It was explicitly explained in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, and it was connected with the levitical priesthood and the feasts of Israel. In other words, the entire structure of tithe-paying was based on the system of worship and intercession defined in the law.
The New Testament never teaches believers to pay tithe. In the new covenant, all things are changed and redeemed. Instead of tithes, believers are asked to give without being under compulsion (read 2 Corinthians 9). They are asked to decide what they will give and to give it. Furthermore, when a person is born again, he realizes that all he has and all he is belongs to the Lord. When we serve the Lord Christ, we don’t owe Him a mere tenth: all we are and all we have is His.
Matthew 6:25-34 promises us that when we seek first the kingdom of God, all we need will be added to us. He asks us to TRUST Him; we give Him our offerings and gifts as He impresses us to give; we give Him our time, our resources, OURSELVES, and He directs us, as we trust Him, how and where to put our offerings.
Many churches use the Old Testament teaching about tithe in order to make sure their parishioners donate to the church, but this teaching is not what the New Testament teaches because God never commanded the church to pay tithe. I see now that, as a born-again believer, I cannot withhold anything from the Lord. The New Testament clearly teaches that we are to support those who teach us Scripture. We support those who minister to us and who take the gospel to those who need it—but we are not limited by a percentage. We give as we are able and as the Lord directs. We give cheerfully and intentionally. Tithes are not WRONG, they just are not REQUIRED. Cheerful and intentional giving, however, is a command for the church!
When Christian churches teach correctly that the law was nailed to the cross but then ask for tithe, it’s possible that they haven’t clearly thought through what they are doing. Nevertheless, they are mixing up the covenants and are using an old covenant provision which does not apply to the church. It is better to teach what Scripture says about giving and to remind believers to give as the Lord impresses them to give, and to give generously and cheerfully.
A Catholic shares LAM articles
I have been reading your articles and feel connected to most of the things you say, but I also feel like you are holding back from your identity as to which traditions of the Christian body you belong! Having said that, now that you’re no more Adventist where do you belong now?
I am a Catholic. I was reading an article at a catholic website about Adventism, and the apologist made a reference to your site; that’s how I discovered you. I have since been sharing your articles with my Adventist friends who, I suppose, have no clue how to determine propaganda from truth.
Thanks for reading. Best regards!
Response: We are non-denominational evangelical Christians. Many of us attend a Bible church which we founded in Loma Linda, California, four-and-a half years ago pastored by Gary Inrig. You can hear his sermons and check out our church and live stream here:
I think you would enjoy our podcasts. We talk through Scripture and contrast what the Bible says with the details of Adventist theology and its worldview, and I believe you would learn a lot about where we stand in the Christian tradition! We do not belong to a denomination, but we are very open about our journey. You can access Former Adventist Podcast here:
We have also added your name to our weekly Proclamation! email updates. You might also enjoy our YouTube channel here:
We pray that the truth of the finished work of the Lord Jesus will fill you with joy this Christmas!
Straining out the detritus
I listen to the FAF podcasts with Colleen and Nikki every day driving to and from work; they are a life saver. I have learned more in the last 18 podcasts about salvation than I have in my whole 56 years!! And they are straining out the Adventist detritus as we go. Thank you so much, it is SUCH important work that you do.
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