By Colleen Tinker
Adventist “law arguments” die hard. No matter how clearly the Bible explains the limited scope of the Mosaic covenant and the surpassing glory of the new covenant in Jesus’ blood, Adventism clings to the law. The truth is, though, that there is one commandment—the fourth—that drives Adventism’s undeviating passion to stay under the authority of the Decalogue. They must have a string of “proof” to insist that the seventh-day Sabbath is eternal and universal, and they want to say Sabbath is a moral, not a ceremonial, law. In context, the Bible denies their arguments.
Ironically, however, Adventists say that the “ceremonial laws” were discontinued after Jesus died and rose again. Yet even as they dismiss those “non-moral laws” that were inseparable from the Ten Commandments, they insist that the levitical food laws remain in force. Thus Adventism forbids the use of “unclean meat” as a moral issue and even categorizes clean meats as a health risk that threatens their bodies which, they insist, are God’s temples.
In my blog two weeks ago I addressed the Adventist proof-text Matthew 5:17–18 which is often used to end all arguments that the law does not continue for new covenant believers:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”
That blog received a significant number of reactions from various readers, but one email that came over a week later addressed more than the Matthew passage. The letter was written by a friend I’ve never met in person but with whom I’ve been corresponding for a few years. This woman has never been Adventist but has an entrenched Adventist friend who continues to try to convert her.
Since my friend’s email reflected her confusion over the nearly-universal Adventist arguments against new covenant life, I will share her questions to me below. After that, I will share my answers to her.
Confused by the arguments
Colleen, I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you. You, and the entire team at LAM, have addressed these two subjects many times, and yet I still feel there are certain aspects of them that I have not fully comprehended and I still don’t know how to answer when confronted by them.
The first question has to do with food and Adventism. You see, Adventists say that when in Acts 10 Peter had the vision of unclean animals, that it ONLY pertained to accepting the Gentiles as brethren in Christ and NOT to the actual eating of unclean foods by the converted Jews. They say that neither Peter nor Cornelius ate unclean food; Peter for being a law-keeping Jew, and Cornelius because he was a proselyte (was he?).
But, is this an accurate assertion? The first few verses of Acts 10 say that Cornelius was a God-fearing gentile.Would that be equal to being circumcised and abiding by the entire law of Moses (dietary restrictions included)? If my memory does not fail me, there was an issue of Proclamation! which said that Peter, by entering Cornelius’ house, would have had to eat at the latter’s table of all sorts of “unclean” foods in order to have true fellowship with him, his family, and friends (guests).
So, again, my question is about Cornelius’ status with regards to food before Peter’s visit, and I guess, by the same token, Peter’s position with regards to food after the vision and his visit to Cornelius’ house. I hope my question is clear enough.
Now, still on the subject of food, how would the episode recorded in Acts 10 square with Galatians 2:11-21? I mean, I think that before the vision Peter indeed did not eat unclean food (even though by now he obviously knew Christ and had heard Him declare all foods clean [Mk. 7:19]). So, it took a while for the whole concept of “clean” (both with regard to gentiles and with regard to food) to become clear in Peter’s mind.
But by the time the confrontation between Paul and Peter transpired in Galatians 2, Peter must have known better, and that’s why Paul publicly scolded him, right? Please help. How can we prove from Scripture that the vision of Acts 10 also included eating all kinds of food and not just accepting gentiles through the gospel?
The second question has to do with the Mosaic law in general. Adventists love to say that Jesus did not come to abolish the Mosaic law. They emphasize this part more than the “…but to fulfill it” part. They might even quote Hebrews 8:10 (which in turn is quoting from Jeremiah 31) to say that under the new covenant the law is still very much a part of the believer by having it written in his or her heart (so as to dismiss the argument that the law written in stone brings death and condemnation).
Again, I hope I worded my question in an understandable manner. In this vein of the new covenant, if I may ask another question, please, how “new” is the new covenant in Christ? I mean, I have heard that the word “new” in Greek simply means “renewed” rather than “completely new”. By saying this, the argument is made that the new covenant is merely a revamping of the old. Old covenant + Jesus, I guess, is what they mean. But that’s not right, is it? How can we answer this argument?
Proselytes and protein
I totally understand your questions, and I know those deceptive (and frankly provoking) Adventist arguments. In fact, I believe Adventism is becoming increasingly deceptive and confusing, shoring up its traditions as it becomes exposed by God’s word rightly divided.
As for Peter, I agree with you entirely that it took time for him to understand what Jesus was teaching them when He “declared all foods clean”. After all, the disciples had little context for many of the things Jesus said to them before His death. For example, even when Jesus told them He would die and rise the third day, they did not understand Him until after it all happened.
Back to Cornelius. First, he was a “God-fearer”. The study notes for Acts 10:2 in the NASB Study Bible published by Zondervan say this about God-fearing gentiles: “Feared God. The term used of one who was not a full Jewish proselyte but who believed in one God and respected the moral and ethical teachings of the Jews.”
In other words, God-fearing gentiles were not circumcised. They were not under the law. They were gentiles, but they believed in God and the moral principles of Judaism rather than in the Roman/Greek pantheon of gods. They were not, however, under the law. They were not subject to the feast days, the sabbaths, the food laws, or any of the other legal requirements. Adventists may try to say Cornelius was a proselyte, but he was not. He was ROMAN. If he had been a proselyte, he would have been considered Jewish, and he would not have been able to remain a centurion and live like a Roman soldier. Jewish lifestyle would have prohibited him from eating with his own Roman men.
Adventists will try to argue from “silence”, but this argument about Cornelius not eating unclean food is false. A God-fearer was not a proselyte. This Adventist argument is similar to Ellen White’s argument that God prevented Abraham from worshiping the false gods of his father. She said God preserved him and made him a faithful man whom God called. Scripture, though, is clear that Abraham worshiped “other gods” with his father (Josh. 24:2). Adventism’s insistence that true believers must first be good people and somehow worthy of God’s call is entirely false.
This argument about Cornelius is similar. He was a gentile, a Roman. He was not a Jew. Proselytes were JEWS…converted Jews, but Jews nonetheless. They were under the law and had to obey it.
Moreover, the Acts 10 vision specifically included unclean animals and a command that Peter kill and eat. God does not trick us. His command was clear: Peter was not to refuse foods nor people whom the law had declared unclean but whom God declared clean.
Even more, Ephesians 4:12-14 and Colossians 2:14 explain that in Jesus, the law, the wall of division, had been removed entirely, and God had made one new man out of the previous two. There was no longer any law that divided Jews and gentiles. All were now simply people who needed a Savior—One who now made access to a Holy God through His own broken body and shed blood. One sufficient sacrifice is eternally the way to the Father (Heb. 10:20).
Food laws, Jews and gentiles, divisions between them—all are GONE in Christ.
This removal of the food laws is further emphasized in 1 Corinthians 10:25–27. There Paul says we are to eat whatever is set before us, even by unbelievers, without asking questions. Food laws are obsolete in the new covenant just as Jew and gentile are no longer divided categories.
And yes, the incident recorded in Galatians 2 occurred AFTER Acts 10. In fact, Acts 10 happened before the first group of gentiles was baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Peter’s vision occurred just before he was sent to preach to Cornelius and his household, thus becoming the apostolic eyewitness to the fact that gentile believers received the Holy Spirit exactly as Jewish believers did.
Peter knew that God had commanded him to fellowship with gentiles and not to refuse to eat their food.
Paul had to rebuke Peter (see Galatians 2) especially because he KNEW those food laws were not required. He was never to allow food to stand between him and fellowship with gentile believers, yet he publicly marginalized fellow believers because of his fear of man when the Judaizers came. He committed a public sin against his brothers—a sin he KNEW was a sin because he had been entrusted with the vision. Paul’s rebuke was public because the sin had been public.
In fact, Peter’s sin against his gentile brothers and Paul’s rebuke was a significant enough issue that the incident is recorded in God’s eternal word for all people for the rest of time!
How new is “new”?
Now for the question of the covenants. First, Adventism refuses to internalize what the Bible says about the old covenant or the new covenant. It arbitrarily dissects the Ten Commandments from the old covenant and says the Decalogue is “the law”. They insist it is “the character of God” and call it eternal.
This assumption is nowhere in Scripture. In fact, Exodus 34:27-28 explicitly identifies the Ten Commandments as the “words of the covenant”, the Mosaic covenant. Moreover, these Ten are not “eternal”. They came into being, along with the rest of the Mosaic covenant, 430 years AFTER Abraham and lasted “until the Seed” came (Gal. 3:16–19).
Hebrews 8:7 identifies the first covenant as having faults. “If that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been so occasion sought for a second.”
There is no room for saying “new” means “renewed”; context forbids this idea. Hebrews 8 moves from saying the first covenant had faults—and those faults were in the people themselves so that they couldn’t be successful—and then by verse 13 the author says, “When He said, ’A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete, but whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.”
Jeremiah 31 clearly says God is going to make a NEW covenant with Israel. Hebrews 8 confirms that this covenant is NEW. The author even identifies a first covenant and a second one and says that God has made the first one obsolete, and it is disappearing. (When the temple was destroyed in AD 70, that first covenant was completely obsolete. No more sacrifices could be offered without the temple.)
Hebrews 7 is explicit that the old covenant cannot exist without the levitical priesthood, because with a change of the priesthood of necessity comes a change of the law (Heb. 7:12). The new covenant CANNOT be a RENEWED covenant; it is completely new. It has a new priesthood, a new sacrifice, a new way to the Father. This is not a renewed covenant; it is a new covenant that arises from Jesus fulfilling the Old Covenant.
Hebrews 7 through 10 explains in detail how in Jesus the old covenant was fulfilled and became obsolete, and a new covenant in Jesus’ blood has replaced the old one.
Adventism plays with its word meanings, and it lies about the truth. To call the new covenant “renewed” is not accurate. This verbal deception collapses in the light of Scripture’s facts.
Furthermore, the law written on our hearts is nowhere said to be the Decalogue. The Holy Spirit Himself is in our hearts…the Author of the law and of the word of God.
In reality, moral details overlap from law to law. For example, England’s laws have rules against murder, theft, and treason just as the laws of Mexico and the USA have. Yet the fact that those rules are in the laws of different countries does not make ME under the law of Mexico or England, or you under the laws of the USA or England. We are under the laws of our own countries.
Now we are under the Law of Christ, and the fact that morality, which originates in God Himself, occurs in both the old and new covenants does not mean the old covenant is still in authority or has power over us. On the contrary, God has given us Himself, and His own Person and character reside in us and convict us of sin and of godliness. He Himself impresses His word into our hearts and minds because He has given us His life!
The priesthood and the sufficient sacrifice demand a completely new law. We do not have the old covenant written on our hearts. We have the One who fulfilled that covenant in our hearts. We have access to the Father directly, and the law has absolutely no more authority over us.
I admit I am upset by Adventism’s disingenuous arguments that misrepresent the reality of the Lord Jesus and His finished work. Adventism will do anything to eclipse Jesus and His finished work and the sufficiency of God’s word. That organization must keep the law as the focus and object of its members’ practice and worship. They will eclipse Jesus in any way they need to eclipse Him in order to retain their Ten Commandments.
They are claiming for themselves the curse of the law by insisting they remain under it. It is horrifying and deeply sad. †
- February 22–28, 2025 - February 20, 2025
- February 15–21, 2025 - February 20, 2025
- We Got Mail - February 20, 2025
“I admit I am upset by Adventism’s disingenuous arguments that misrepresent the reality of the Lord Jesus and His finished work. Adventism will do anything to eclipse Jesus and His finished work and the sufficiency of God’s word. That organization must keep the law as the focus and object of its members’ practice and worship. They will eclipse Jesus in any way they need to eclipse Him in order to retain their Ten Commandments.”
Colleen, the above comment really struck me. This is a true statement and quite annoying on a lot of levels. I was blessedly saved out of Adventisim about 20 years ago and still can’t get over the amazing peace and joy of living life from out of the True Gospel. Praise the finished work of Jesus! Anyways, this past Easter season, my sister in law (who is not an Adventist) posted a simple statement on FB regarding church attendance (which was of course on Easter Sunday). My Aunt, (who is very much a legalistic and opinionated lifetime Adventist) decided it was a good time to school all of us on some “basic” Adventist doctrine. She mentioned the day of Jesus’ Crucifixion (Friday) and then went into GREAT detail about how He RESTED on the Sabbath day and how important it was for ALL OF US to understand this simple fact – She said it was “so simple” for all of us to understand if we would just read it for ourselves because it was right there in the bible. It was about how He RESTED. She didn’t bother to hardly acknowledge His Resurrection!! (The entire purpose of His death and hence our eternal celebration!) Her whole comment was full of condescension (which seems to be a common trait when Adventists preach) – and it made me both sad and annoyed at the same time. So I simply replied (in love – although she may disagree) to her comment that YES! it WAS simple to understand but ONLY if it was understood apart from a false prophetesses’ underpinnings!! (I am sure she was furious with me for posting that, but it wouldn’t be the first time.) And then I went on to give glory to Jesus for His gift of life, death AND Resurrection – all of which are celebrated at Easter on Easter “GASP!!” Sunday. Anyways, all of this just to say that the above paragraph of your blog really resonated with me. There is just no time that true love and worship of Jesus for Jesus is ever expressed. Its always about the Sabbath – the Sabbath is what Adventists worship. 🙁 I love my family and pray that they will be set free as I was. I know God is more than able. I am thankful for you Colleen, and the team at Proclamation. Continue on doing the good work of exposing the lies of this false belief system and know that the Lord will bless you as you do. With Love and Prayers, Lucy Huber
I agree, Sir. They have actually taken a created thing, the Sabbath day, and turned it into an idol they worship. Of course to get away with that, they have to belittle the finished work at the cross. Their doctrines are that of demons.
God bless you!
Hello Colleen, and IAM Reader’s and lovers of truth.
I just want to thank you for articles like this. They help to give me peace in my unsuccessful efforts to bring truth to those caught up in this cult.
I was an Adventist for a short time and left only after a few months because I believe what the Bible says, that Jesus died once and for all, for all. Adventists think they have to keep the law to show fruit of their love for God. It is grounded in emotionalism and spiritual influence, not of the Holy Spirit. Further, I did not understand why the focus for reading and learning scriptures was shown through the understanding of another person, EGW, when upon our profession of faith we are given the Holy Spirit. Of course we know Satan wants to give who he can a false spirit and keep their view distorted through a veil of deceit.
I have come to love these dear people because I them I see a real yearning to please and love God. But this doctrine takes that love and distorts it, never allowing them to truly be led to biblical truth through the true Holy Spirit. Like you, I love them and don’t want them to not experience the hoy of True salvation but no mater what verse or hypocrisy revealed, they refuse it. I befriended one woman who is an SDA chaplain in a prison. At first, I thought her simply deceived by the doctrines of SDA, which you cover so thoroughly and articulately. She recently started going to a Baptist church on Sunday. I was hopeful she would be actually led away from the flesh and false doctrine, but I only saw her pride increase as she believes them in error. She got to the point she would not read or go over scripture with me telling me she has “ heavenly wisdom.” She insinuated I was the one with false beliefs and that I hadn’t been given this so-called heavenly wisdom to know these deeper truths. Over a year I watched a lovely elderly woman become increasingly defiant and prideful; justified in this pride because the prison keeps giving her more inmates to preach to. I tried to Biblically show her a woman’s role (that a woman should not be instructing men), that we are not bound by the law, but have liberty in Christ. To everything I showed her, she had some out of context scripture or this “heavenly wisdom” to support her actions. The more I tried, the more she attacked me, questioning my salvation. I could clearly see the spirit of pride had its teeth in her. The final straw though was when I tired again to broach the finished work at the Cross. Her reply was telling, “That hasn’t been revealed to me yet.” To which I shook the had to finally shake the dust off my sandals. I take peace in the knowledge that Jesus Christ will lead her back if she is truly His. I pray the seeds we plant take root, and that those in error will want the truth that saves. But getting that truth to be considered is, as you know, not always well received.
The bottom line is that we all want to please God, but in the flesh we cannot. This desire is carnal because it places us as the do-er, instead of Jesus as the done-er that did it all already for us. Satan uses this carnal desire that results from our guilt and imperfections as we look to the perfection of God, to distort the truth into this works-based emotional roller coaster, stealing the joy and peace that comes from being united with Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. Satan uses their hearts and the pride of the heart against them to keep them tied to their flesh in an attempt to win His love and be pleasing to Him. They can’t see through a veil manifested from a distorted desire to please, which they willingly put between them and God thinking this veil wrought of human effort is proof of their love for God…they see this veil as being a spiritual endowment towards godliness, not an impediment, as it appeals to their pride because they view the rest of Christendom as lost, lazy, easy believism.
Of course, If they read the scriptures for themselves, without the interpretations of an emotionally and spiritually disturbed false prophet; instead desiring truth wherever it leads, they would no longer be deceived. Thus, their not knowing the veil is torn, the work is done, and they are free in Christ Jesus brings a deep sadness to my heart, and I know to all of yours, as well.
Thank you for all you do! May God continue to bless you in this Ministry!