By Michael Pursley
The Virgin Mary knew what she faced.
You see, she lived in the largest, greatest, most determined, shame-based religion around. While she knew that she was innocent regarding her pregnancy (though there were probably times she questioned her sanity), she also knew that for the rest of her life, nobody else would likely ever fully believe her. Even her husband might give way to doubts about her in darker moments, especially when he had to navigate the derision of his community and friends.
But worse…
Much worse than the distrust of the neighbors, however, was the fact she would always be seen as a great “sinner” in the eyes of the local synagogue and religious leaders. Her being labeled a “loose woman” made her always worthy of death by stoning in those days. Yes, she would deserve stoning in the eyes of those pious, self-righteous members—and you know the ones I mean—the ones who have finally convinced themselves of their spiritual worth; the ones who believe that they have created their own salvation by their own hard work and spiritual discipline.
No, Mary knew that no amount of sacrifices would ever take that stigma away. In fact, she would not only live with it, she knew that she would die with it.
But I want to stop right here…
I want you to stop right here and give yourself a moment to do a reality check in your own life. I want you to do a “gut check”. You see, the more legalistic a church, denomination, or religion becomes, the more shame-based it also becomes.
And no, let me head you off at the pass…
I am not advocating an easy grace, or some sort of an “anything goes, seeker-friendly religion”. If you know anything about me, you know better than that. But I want you to look at your church your religious tradition. Is its focus on following the dictates of a creed? Is it perhaps focused upon the Law, or is it completely focused upon Christ and His word? For if your religion is based upon, and is centered upon, something other that upon Christ, it is most likely a shame-based religion. Further, to the degree in which it is stuck in that mode, that perspective, that worldview, the more sickly and diseased is its spiritual outlook. Can you see that?
Only in the light of the Gospel can sin and the law be both healthily and spiritually dealt with. Only by the shedding of blood and the personal acknowledgment of Christ’s complete forgiveness can guilt and shame ever be correctly and healthily put away. We know these things are true because the Bible promises us, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Heb. 8:12).
Do you want to see if you have a healthy religion? One way is to look and see how many guilt-ridden, acting-out, abusive people make up your core group, and how many others are nothing more than floating “facades” trying to impress everyone they meet with how “together” they are. And if you, deep down inside yourself, realize that you are one of those guilt-ridden people, then I urge you to come to Christ immediately and to surrender to him completely.
Then I want you to find someone who is truly spiritually healthy and talk to them about your decision. Find someone who is walking close to God.
Friend, do you feel God calling you to Himself? Is he being uplifted and drawing you unto himself? If he is, then it is like Moses said in the wilderness, “look and live.” Friend, if God is calling you, look to Christ and live.
Even if the world does not understand, The Lord knows the truth about you. If you trust Him, you are His. Nothing can ever remove you from His love. †
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