Proclamation! | Spring | 2018 | Letters to the Editor
Pitcher’s valuable service
Thanks again for some insightful articles via the magazine (Winter, 2017). As a concerned Christian, I have been very interested in the law and the believer for years. Mr. Pitcher has done a valuable service pointing out the many false Scripture paraphrases in The Clear Word by Mr. Blanco. I would not touch that “clear” version with a ten foot pole.
Mr. Pitcher also points out a mistake that many Protestant churches make (in my opinion)—that the law of God is in three parts: ceremonial, civil, and moral. I do not see this concept in Scripture, and this idea causes many besides the Adventists to be confused about the law of God.
My prayer is that the Lord would continue to lead you in discernment and truth in the ministry He has given you. We all need His leading.
Oakhurst, CA
No more hiding my doubts
As a retired former Seventh-day Adventist minister and teacher (38 years), I believe your last issue (Winter, 2017) was the best. Carel Stevenson, Richard Tinker and Owalabi Paul outdid themselves with their articles. I would like extra copies to hand out to some questioning Adventists.
I live in the Holy City (Collegedale, TN). As an X-Adventist, I have become XXX to many of my former associates. I am 75 and not working for the church any longer, so I am over hiding any doubts and objections. Thank you for your ministry.
Collegedale, TN
Treading dangerous ground
I am a Seventh-day Adventist in good standing and in agreement with the organized church. As a committed believer in the traditional doctrines of the church, I am well-satisfied with my understanding of orthodox Christian theology. The heretical articles in your journal sadden me, and I feel nothing less than pity for the souls who are deceived thereby. As a result, I ask you to conclude our unsolicited relationship by the cessation of any more of your periodicals mailed to my address. As a retiree, my time is short, and I can better spend my waking hours in daily prayerful study of the Holy Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy.
I bear you no ill-will but do think that you are wasting your time trying to spread discontent among church members. Many of your writers appear to be more dissatisfied with themselves than with the standards of the church. I will continue to pray for you, knowing that Mrs. White confronted much dissent in her day as well. Please take care but realize that you are treading on dangerous ground at odds with our Creator. He is coming soon, and at that time, He will separate the real chaff from the authentic and mature wheat. Until then, the door to confession with contrition and repentance is open to us all.
Burlington, NC
Adventists afraid to die
Keep up your wonderful work. I loved your Winter, 2017, articles.
Has it ever occurred to you that Adventism emphasizes long life and health because its members are terrified of dying? My mother confided to my (Christian) sister that she was terrified of dying because she feared waking up in hell. Mom loved the Lord, but she was completely immersed in the Adventist cult. Thank God for the gospel that promises salvation to believers. My eyes are open, and I can go on in complete faith in my salvation, not because of any accomplishments of my own but because of what Jesus has done for us. I need have no fear of death. I look forward to being reunited with loved ones, especially my wonderful baby son who died of cancer. What an incentive to go to heaven!
Pedricktown, NJ
Recovering from slavery and deception
My wife and I left Adventism over 15 years ago when we found the Gospel of Christ inconsistent with traditions of legalism upon which our generational heritage of Adventism was based. Week by week in our Bible study and with support from Abundant Life Community Church we have continued to discover how Christ is our eternal rest and salvation. The more we have studied, the more profound this assurance has become. I attended Southern (Missionary College) and really believed that “climbing Jacob’s Ladder” represented our progress in obeying the law. Fifty years later, I can’t describe my thrill in discovering that Jesus Christ IS the ladder. We don’t “climb the ladder” by keeping the law.
For so many years I believed “Trust and Obey, There is No Other Way” meant “shut up and toe the line or you are out”. There was no way to salvation without “climbing Jacob’s Ladder.” As it turns out, we are not now “lazy” law breakers but daily (hourly) grateful believers that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law! It is hard to contain our joy as we continue discovering that those “old, old stories” spoke of Christ and his completed work on the cross.
Jesus is not sitting in a holy place adding up our scores in the heavenly accounting books, nor is He measuring how many steps we have climbed a ladder by keeping a Sabbath. We also continue unlearning what Adventism taught us about the Fourth Commandment requirement in defining the final church. The old covenant law was a shadow of the coming Christ who is now and forever our perfect substitute. Our salvation and healing from sin is a free gift that we accept. It’s not earned nor owned by keeping the law.
We are so happy to read the letters you share from others who have found the truth that was hidden by our elders. We pray you can continue to publish truth filled articles from Life Assurance Ministries and Proclamation! We pray for your continuing ministry to those recovering, like us, from the slavery and deception imposed by the tradition of Adventism that we trusted for so long. Thank you!
Warner and Brooke Swarner
Portland, OR
Get a job!
Your vengeance is sad. Get a job!
via email
Bible is fiction
I’ve got no problems with you folks. As a former Adventist and as a current atheist, I find the letters interesting and entertaining. However, it is a waste of money to send me the magazine. I see the Bible as fiction in large part. At least, I see the Bible’s God as a fictional being. If I believed that He was real, I would find him disgusting.
You put together a lovely magazine.
Kennewick, WA
Editor’s response: This letter is a heartbreaking example of the fruit of Adventist theology. When Adventists realize the religion is flawed, if they have not heard and understood the gospel, they have nowhere to go except agnosticism or atheism. Since Adventists believe they have learned biblical truth about God, and since they have not been born again through belief in the Lord Jesus and His finished atonement, they are left with only their rational minds to analyze who they have been taught Jesus is and what God is like. Usually such former Adventists retain a sense that IF Christianity is true, the Adventist version is the correct understanding. Knowing already that living as an Adventist is confusing if not crazy-making, they often opt for unbelief rather than looking for answers within Christianity which they believe has been contaminated by Rome. Furthermore, believing that Ellen White was inspired exactly as the Bible writers were inspired, their faith in the Bible is no greater than their faith in EGW’s works. They believe that there is no trusted authority that can reveal truth; their own minds must be their “last word”.
Satan’s keeping you out of heaven
I was so upset when I received your magazine Proclamation! I wanted to tell you off, but that would not be Christ-like of me…You have twisted the Bible and are speaking out against Ellen G. White, a true prophet of God. You are tearing people down and turning them away from God’s truth. It is so sad what Satan has done to you, and it will keep you out of the kingdom of heaven.
I’m praying God will open your eyes and bring you back to the truth. You are losing souls for the kingdom. That breaks my heart.
Dallas, TX
Delivered from hell
I just want to thank you, Dale, so much for helping me to see the errors of Adventism. I was trapped in the pit of Adventist beliefs. Because of my upbringing I stumbled in darkness for years, in and out of the church. Finally, in August, 2016, I prayed for God to show me the truth, and I was delivered from the hell of Adventist teaching and Ellen White. It wasn’t until much later and not that long ago that I understood the true and simple Gospel. It seems that Adventism doesn’t hold the exclusive on works salvation. John 5:24-25 tells me all I need to know!
Snowflake, AZ
Thank you for clarity
Thank you so much to all of you for bringing the true word of God with the wonderful gospel to us. We appreciate you and thank God for your steadfastness and faithfulness.
We could not have made it out of Adventism about 10 years ago if it had not been for the clarity that you provide through the magazine and the internet.
Cortland, NY
False doctrines and the wine of the Harlot
Only fake Adventists use the term Trinity. True Adventists do not subscribe to the Trinity heresy of the gentiles. True Adventists have nothing to do with the “orthodox definition” or “orthodox Christianity” which is NOT orthodox at all. True Seventh-day Adventists stand alone and are unique in their own views about God regardless of what Sunday-keeping churches think. We will continue to spread our doctrines as far as there are people on this planet. Daily we grow, and we praise God for that!
We are happy to inform you that this Remnant church moves forward and continues to disabuse people’s minds of the wrong doctrines learned from fallen Babylon churches, doctrines such as the Trinity, Sunday observance, natural immortality of the soul, eternal hell torment, eating of unclean animals, belief in a finished atonement at the cross, belief in unconditional election, belief that Christ’s human nature is excepted from our fallen inheritance.
These are the eight false doctrines, the wine of the Harlot and her Sunday-keeping harlot daughters. We will continue to name these churches thus so that the contrast between God’s Remnant and the fallen churches of Babylon will be kept unmistakably distinct and clear for all people to see. We will not stop calling sin by its right name and pointing people to Jesus, so that if they will have the same steadfastness and perfect obedience Jesus had, they can be saved.
via email
Adventists misinformed
It is such a joy to correspond with you each month. I look forward to writing out the check, knowing the impact LAM is going to have for the kingdom.
I had the opportunity to share the reason for my hope with two Seventh-day Adventist ladies. I was previously acquainted with both of them on a first-name basis We live in the same community. Two things struck me: how little they knew about the Bible, and how misinformed they were about all non-Adventists. For example, they seemed to think Seventh-day Adventists are the only Christians who believe Jesus is coming again!
At the end of our conversation, one of the ladies kindly told me the Holy Spirit might someday show me more truth.
In Christ alone,
Hendersonville, NC
Became Adventist in prison
I am a baptized Adventist, baptized in prison approximately 10 years ago. I have not been keeping up much on the Word between then and now.
I recently encountered your publication Proclamation! for the first time. I was very surprised to read what it had to say about Adventism, Ellen White, the Sabbath, and so on. I’ve not heard it before. I was not offended, just very curious.
I did some homework with the content and citations and was astounded at what I saw. I had kind-of accepted Adventist doctrine as accurate and by rote, in retrospect. I realized that by reading your publication. It’s very powerful.
Now I am very interested in receiving your publication and learning more of your insights into the Word. I love to learn, and now that I am back on track, I will be with the Word more often on a daily basis.
Also, I’ve read up on cults but never imagined Adventism could be one.
I have been in prison 37 years, have rehabilitated, and look forward to continuing with the Word upon release. It was Jesus who helped me change my essential ways through the years and decades, truly a reborn person. Thank you for your service in the Lord.
Delano, CA
Brainwashed, not convinced
Although I wasn’t a pupil of Ellen White, I read enough of her works. In fact, I gobbled them up.
One thing stands out clearly now. I have been deceived by Ellen White. Paul says, “Let every man be convinced in his own mind.” Unfortunately, when I was growing up, I wasn’t convinced, but brainwashed. This Adventist worldview, as you well know, is a hard, hard, hard mindset to escape!
Although we may not agree about all doctrinal details, there are things that we agree on strongly
1. Ellen White was a liar and a thief, and her guide was Satan, not a holy being.
2. The Adventist church is a cult, but it has earnest and honest members who are being called to come out of her.
3. The Adventist church is similar to Catholicism, and by teaching the heresies of Ellen White it has made a mockery of Jesus’ blood although they twist Scripture to appear evangelical. But the final atonement and the confusion over a partial atonement—oh my!
4. Jesus my Lord and Savior and is also my scapegoat. Because death was required of the first kid goat, a second goat was needed to fulfill the sin offering. As the plan of salvation is two part, forgiveness and removal, so was the sin offering of Leviticus 16:5.
I can go on and on, but it’s not necessary.
A guarantee cannot be broken. It is legally binding if all the conditions are met. I have met those conditions; I have heard the true gospel and believe it in my heart. This belief has given me entrance into the new covenant and its guarantee.
Praise God for His love and His truth!
Alberta, Canada
An appeal to Dale Ratzlaff
I first read your debates on-line with Dr. Bacchiocchi many years ago. I had not thought about these until I ran across your name and lectures on the internet the other day. I feel strongly impressed to ask you some serious questions. Our final judgment, whether we are judged good or evil, will be the end result of our life and influence on earth. Your influence has been one that deters me from following you because of your…attitude which I have found to be harmful…I have never felt that there was true Christian humility or the Spirit of Christ behind your arguments…
Do you actually believe that your stance all these years is based on an attempt to lead people toward holiness—or just away from something you are despising?
1. Do you really believe that you are leading people to a closer walk with God, to the pathway that will ultimately lead them to heaven?
2. Do you realize that the stance and attitude that you have chosen imitate the tactics of the ‘accuser of the brethren’? …tactics that lead people away from something, but do not lead them toward something better?
3. Have you ever asked yourself what will be the end of your constant attack upon the Adventist church? Are there those who will rise up and call you blessed, or will there be many who will curse you for your influence in their lives that has led them into criticism to the point of apostasy and eternal loss?
4. Has it ever occurred to you that it’s possible to fight against the Lord?…You may get a hearing on earth for a time, but are you preparing to lose your place in heaven over argumentation?
5. Do you feel that your soul’s salvation depends upon fighting the legitimately held belief of someone else? I am led to question where your trust is placed. It doesn’t appear to be on the sure foundation of the Rock Christ Jesus…
I dare to make a prediction that the platform on which you stand is a shaky one…Sadly, I see that your efforts confuse and dissuade others from their holy walk with the Lord if they listen to you. In this battle in which you have engaged for many years you are headed for sure defeat and potentially eternal loss of your soul, weighted with the loss of leading others astray…
If you are assured that God is leading you, then why is it that Dr. B. had debate with you for many months? Why have you spent years and developed a whole following and organization based on a fight with the belief system of the Adventist Church? Why would you risk your soul and the souls of those who follow you in a stance that is always and forever leading them away from rather than toward holiness, wholeness, and unity?…
I know I risk your anger and animosity in writing this, but I do so as an appeal. This appeal has to be either from the Lord or the devil. Since I am a child of God and have felt it worth your ire to appeal to you thus, I believe I appeal to you in the name of the Lord, the Savior, the one who grants eternal life.
Written in the fear of the Lord and prompted by the Holy Spirit,
Via email
Dale Ratzlaff’s response
Thanks for your appeal. My ministry is first to present the gospel of faith in Christ and to make it clear. Second, once a person has accepted the gospel, then they need to start on the path toward holiness. The New Testament teaches that the simple gospel of Christ—belief and faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is the saving gospel (1 Cor. 15:1–4).
The correct New Testament path to holiness is learning who we are now are “in Christ” and focusing our mind on things above. If we have trusted Christ, we are to believe the statements and promises of the New Testament which God declares to be true of His born-again children.
The New Testament teaches that we are not saved by works but by faith in our Risen Lord, and we are made holy by the Spirit who indwells all true Christians. We are made holy by gazing at the gospel and submitting to His word. This is true gospel transformation.
Yes, I believe I am leading people to a closer walk with God and ultimately to heaven. When one leads someone away from error that undermines the gospel, he is doing that person an eternal favor.
I pray that Adventist leaders will repent and confess the errors upon which Adventism was built; my reward will be those who call our Lord and Savior “blessed”.
I am not sure where you are getting your ideas of what I believe or teach, but my assurance is based upon His work, not mine.
It is not important to you what I believe. Rather, it is important that you believe New Testament truth. If you want to better understand the New Testament gospel and how to develop holiness based upon the principles I mentioned above, I will send you Gospel Transformation. I will even include my newest book, Romans Alive—the pure gospel, a verse by verse devotional study of the first eight chapters of Romans. You may request these by email at
Regarding the discussion I had with Dr. Bacchiocchi concerning the Sabbath: he agreed to send my responses to his email list. However, he refused to send a number of my responses, clearly revealing the errors of his understanding of the covenants. Therefore, I discontinued the discussion.
If you wish to study the Sabbath more in-depth, you will find my book Sabbath in Christ to be a help. †
- Part 1: Less Than Human? - February 20, 2025
- Logical Fallacies in Biblical Interpretation - February 6, 2025
- Leaving Adventism, Embracing the Gospel - January 30, 2025