Proclamation! | Spring | 2018 | Ministry News

On the weekend of February 16–18, we enjoyed our thirteenth annual Former Adventist Fellowship conference—held for the first time in Loma Linda at Redeemer Fellowship! The Redeemer Fellowship congregation had just moved into their new permanent meeting place the month before, and the FAF Conference, The Doctrine of God, was the first major event hosted at the church.
Gary Inrig gave four sessions plus the Sunday sermon on the topic of The Doctrine of God. His clear teaching opened reality to all of us. Comments about his talks included, “I feel as if a weight has been taken off my shoulders.” “I was overwhelmed this weekend with how omnipotent our God is. Words cannot convey the shift in my thinking, but something wonderful happened.”
Dale Ratzlaff taught two sessions from the gospel of John. The first was on the deity of Christ, comparing John’s words about Jesus with Ellen White’s, and the second addressed the Trinity. One person said Dale’s comparison of John with Ellen White was one of his favorite sessions of the weekend.
Martin Carey presented breakout sessions on Jesus’ resurrection and ascension entitled “Forever Our Intercessor”, and Jim Valentine from the Christian Apologetics Research and Information Services led breakout sessions on Adventism and the Protestant Reformation.
Tim Martin from The Centers for Apologetics Research flew from Pennsylvania to give the Friday night address in the public meeting. His talk was entitled “Who Is the Adventist Jesus?” He showed chronologically how Ellen White’s descriptions of Jesus shifted over the years from blatantly Arian to tritheistic. He also led breakout sessions entitled “Sabbath Questions”.
Jonathan Winn led worship again this year with Roy Tinker; Nathanael Tinker, Ryan Mohler, and Audrey Tinker managed the sound, slides, and videography for the weekend, and Cheryl Granger made gorgeous centerpieces for the tables
Sixty-nine people were registered to attend, and at least three attendees were currently Adventists.
Our Redeemer Fellowship brothers and sisters supported the conference with prayer and personal service, including Les and Fran Spoelstra who again opened their home for the final lunch on Sunday after church.
Attendees loved the weekend, and comments about it included:
“FAF is an intense, all day, Scripture-packed, discussion-packed conference. It is amazing!”
“Joyous exhaustion!”
“I had a wonderful weekend being spiritually refreshed.”
Don’t miss your next opportunity to attend a Former Adventist Fellowship conference. You won’t be disappointed. †
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- Part 3: The Call to Commitment - March 6, 2025
- Part 2: The Quality of Life Ethic - February 27, 2025