Adventist pride and arrogance
I am not an Adventist, but I do support what you do and enjoy the Proclamation! magazine. I know Adventists to whom I continue to witness using your website and materials. Your ministry is likely underutilized, and I pray more Adventists find out about you and use your ministry to come to truth. I have referred two to your website and find that they balk at being open to any other info. One made condemning comments about Dale [Ratzlaff]. That man has been a teacher of Adventist beliefs for years. We had some heated but friendly debates on the meanings of the Scriptures and Old vs. New Testament underpinnings to our differing beliefs, deciding upfront that our discussions had to be rooted in Christlike love.
I find that the Adventists are incredibly rooted in their beliefs, so much so that they have a hard time seeing truth even when confronted with the Scriptures. They are so deceived that they think they are the only ones who have the truth. There is an undertone of pride and arrogance in twisted and selective attempts to make the Scriptures support the false prophet White. I continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will bind Satan and open their eyes to New Testament truth. However, as a former Adventist, you understand this better than I do. I’m glad that the Holy Spirit enabled you all “come out” to the truth to help others!
I am calling in a donation today and plan to continue to do so and encourage others to do so where the Lord provides opportunity.
Columbia, SC
Dale, I just cannot stop marveling at your article titled, “The Continental Divide of Biblical Interpretation.” It is extremely well-written and very easy to understand for all those who wish to understand and who do not have their heads buried in the sand. Thank you so much for your fine and well-written articles. I look forward to reading more of your new yet-to-come articles that will also contain solids to sink one’s teeth into. Thanks again.
The Philippines
How Pathetic
Through Adventist teachings from the Holy Bible and the writings of Ellen White, millions will be in the kingdom. All of your staff are pathetic. Like Adloph Harstaff who broke away from the Adventist church in 1935 under the name Shepherd’s Rod, you’re spinning your wheels and will go nowhere. In 81 years, the Rods have a worldwide membership of 10,000. God has not blessed their devilish efforts and will not bless yours either. In my view, you are all devils out of hell.
Randloph, NY
After Adventism—where to?
I am a transitioning Adventist, and my wife is a Jehovah’s Witness. From birth I was taught the Three Angel’s Messages and that the Sunday law was coming; now I feel deceived.
I’m at a crossroad and uncertain of what’s next. I’ve been witnessing to fellow inmates and also preaching the word, but when they ask me what church I go to, I tell them that I am “non-denominational”. I am not sure if that’s the way I should go. Could you please give me and other transitioning Adventists insight in the magazine as to what the next step is after leaving the faith which we knew all our lives?
Editor’s response: The most important thing is to find a church where the Bible is taught, the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ finished work is central, and the Trinity is honored. Church is the place where the sheep come for food, not primarily a place designed to attract the lost although they are welcome. Look for a church where the Bible is carefully taught in context. Every congregation is different and needs to be evaluated individually and not only on the basis of denomination. In general, though, look for a church that emphasizes the gospel and not primarily the Holy Spirit, good works, or spiritual disciplines. These things are the fruit of the gospel, not the gospel. Look for a church that honors God’s word as inerrant and sufficient for our understanding of God’s will and where the purpose of the service is to teach the Bible in context. God’s word is living and active and is the means by which we hear truth and are born again (Heb. 4:12-13, 1 Pet. 1:22-23).
Answer in the judgment
My mother who is now dead received your magazine by accident. She was a wonderful, caring Seventh-day Adventist all her life as am I, her daughter. How you can build your church on the sand of knocking down the Seventh-day Adventist Church and call it a religion is beyond me. May you answer to our Lord in the judgment day.
Brush Prairie, WA
Editor’s response: We are not a church nor a religion. Life Assurance Ministries (LAM) is a ministry that is dedicated to helping Adventists as well as concerned Christians understand the glory of the new covenant in the blood of the Lord Jesus. We are also committed to clarifying the ways Adventism differs from biblical Christianity. We at LAM attend different Christian churches in different states.
I see some light
Please add me to your subscription list for Proclamation! I have been reviewing articles online and going over the website My eyes have been recently opened to the fallacy of the investigative judgment and other Adventist doctrines. I am third generation Adventist, and finally—I see some light!
Caldwell, ID
No more garbage
Please do not send me any more garbage!
Colville, WA
Thanks for your work
My wife and I spent 40 years as members of the Adventist church (we are no longer members). I held the offices of head elder and deacon, and my wife held many offices also. Over the years we began to learn that many of the 28 fundamental beliefs were not in harmony with what the Bible said. When we would bring up a question or present a different view on a subject, we were told, “That’s not what Ellen White said about it.” Along came Proclamation! magazine. I was skeptical at first, but the more I read, the more the articles hit home.
We withdrew our membership from the Adventist church a few weeks ago, and we cannot tell you of the relief we have found as we trust in Christ’s righteousness and not a bunch of rules! We are attending a local non-denominational Sunday church and love the fellowship and Christ-centeredness of the messages.
Thanks so much for the work you and your people are doing. To God be the glory.
via email
Mail letters to the editor to:
Editor, Proclamation! Magazine
P.O. Box 7776
Redlands, CA 92375
Or email editor:
Mission: To proclaim the good news of the new covenant gospel of grace in Christ and to combat the errors of legalism and false religion.
Motto: Truth needs no other foundation than honest investigation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a willingness to follow truth when it is revealed.
Message: “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not of works, that no one should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9
- Drama of the Cross - March 27, 2025
- Part 3: The Call to Commitment - March 6, 2025
- Part 2: The Quality of Life Ethic - February 27, 2025