It’s November. Already. I’ve always loved this time of year. The weather changes, and Thanksgiving ushers in the most festive season of the year with aromas of pumpkin spice, roasting turkey, and fresh-baked rolls.
It’s a wonderful time of year—but it’s busy. At the same time that we’re preparing for the holidays, we’re also finishing production of the fourth issue of Proclamation!. It’s easy for me to become so focussed on the deadlines and demands that I forget how God has brought us to this place. Moreover, as I see the political and financial uncertainty around me, the tangible concerns sometimes eclipse the subtle but persistent work of God.
God’s faithfulness, however, is something we experience in the mundane routine of life. His provision is usually not spectacular, and I’m almost unaware of the significant things He is doing. I believe this fact is why Scripture commands us to give thanks in all things.
For example, the Lord Jesus has blessed Life Assurance Ministries and Former Adventist Fellowship by expanding its reach of ministry in ways we did not foresee a year ago. Looking back, I praise Him for the fact that He impressed Carel and Nicole Stevenson to hold breakout sessions for teens at the 2012 FAF Conference in Redlands, California. Since that weekend, Nicole has opened a Facebook page for FAF Teens and a closed group where questioning teens can come and have discussions. It has started slowly, as FAF groups always seem to start—but within the past two weeks, Nicole has been advertising the site on Facebook, and the responses and interest have been climbing markedly.
Another new launch that occurred last February is the Proclamation! blog site edited by Chris Lee. Bloggers include Rick Barker, Delina MacPhaull, Cherie Skriven, Nicole Stevenson, and Colleen Tinker. The blog site also features Former Adventist news articles and also re-runs classic pieces from past issues of Proclamation!
The most recent news on the internet front is two-fold. First, Robert Sanders, founder of Truth or Fables website, has turned over ownership of the site to Life Assurance Ministries. Richard has been redesigning the pages, and the launch date is scheduled to occur before the end of the year. Second, Elaina Matthews, a 21-year-old former Adventist (who has agreed to give her testimony at the next February FAF Conference) is launching a new Facebook group called Bible Studies for Adventists—Young Adults. This Facebook group is related to our website which features daily commentary by former Adventists addressing the Sabbath School lessons. Laini offered to conduct a discussion site where she addresses some of the blatant unscriptural teachings in the Young Adult Sabbath School quarterlies.
Two more significant events occurred this year: the first ever Former Adventist Fellowship Conference held in Michigan at The Chapel in St. Joseph. Hosted by Carolyn Macomber and strongly supported by senior pastor Phil Bubar and his associate Corey Kugel, the weekend was the first annual FAF gathering there. Richard and I were blessed to be part of that conference and to have Woody and Cheryl Granger travel to Michigan with us to help Carolyn organize the details of the weekend.
The second event was Dale and Carolyn Ratzlaff’s Gospel Tour that began at their home in Casa Grande, Arizona, extended north into Manitoba and west into Alaska, then ended as Dale and Carolyn drove down the west coast. They held meetings as they travelled, and several groups of former Adventists, many of them unchurched, were encouraged and determined to begin looking for a local body of Christ where they can worship and grow in fellowship.
Concurrent with all these blessings, God has continued to provide the funds—often at the very last minute—for the production of our quarterly issues of Proclamation! magazine. Not only has He continued to keep the magazine in print, but He has been providing perceptive and gifted writers including our regular contributors: Dale Ratzlaff, Rick Barker, Martin Carey, Chris Lee, and Carolyn Macomber.
In fact, as I write this, I am amazed as I realize how many new things God has brought about this year. At a time when the culture around us is changing, when finances and the future often seem uncertain, God is faithful!
His word never changes; His promises cannot fail. Moreover, no plans of men or of devils can thwart what God is doing. He accomplishes His purposes, and He asks us to trust Him even when we can’t see beyond the looming obstacle in front of us.
So join me this Thanksgiving in giving thanks to the God who knew us and called us before the foundation of the world. Worship the One who showed Daniel the future of the nations while he was an exiled eunuch in the courts of two different pagan nations. Praise the Lord who took human flesh to take in Himself the punishment for sin that He demanded. Honor the Spirit who inspired Scripture and Who makes that word live in us and transform us.
Even when all around us is crazy and uncertain, God is faithful. He will not—He cannot—fail. He will never leave us.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
- February 22–28, 2025 - February 20, 2025
- February 15–21, 2025 - February 20, 2025
- We Got Mail - February 20, 2025
Beautifully written, Colleen. Thank you for sharing that story with us. BTW, is that bacon on the turkey?
It is, indeed. And it is delicious!